RNY VS Lapband vs lupus?
I love me no matter what....and this surgery will only enhance my inner and outter beauty.
Cause you know I put the FAB in FABULOUS!!!!!
Hello and good luck with whichever surgery you choose. Do you have Lupus? Or does someone in your immediate family? Because if so Dr. Baker will not do a lap band. My mother died of the complications of Lupus, and I am in the process of being diagnosed with Lupus. I see Dr. Jones at the Little Rock Diagnostic. So I specifically ask. Since Lupus is an autoimmune disease the chances of the body setting up a reaction against a foreign object (the lapband) is much higher. I am not certain, but since the risk is so high, I doubt other surgeons in the Central Arkansas area would do a lapband on a Lupus risk either - but you could ask around. But in my opinion, it really isnt worth the risk. Alice

I love me no matter what....and this surgery will only enhance my inner and outter beauty.
Cause you know I put the FAB in FABULOUS!!!!!