Logging on Fitday
Susan asked me to start a new thread about logging food in programs such as fitday since I had answered a few questions on an other thread - so I am pasting the info from there to here and adding some tidbits that might be helpful.
(Pasted from other thread)
1 cup = 16 tbsps
1tbsp = .06 of a cup (.0625 for those who are mathheads) or 1/16 of a cup
4tbsp = 4/16 of a cup or 1/4 of a cup
ounces in weight and ounces in volume measure (cups, tbsps, etc.) are NOT the same.
The only way to know how much an ounce of something by weight is by volume is to measure it by weighing it then measure that amount by volume method.
As for measuring stuff like a sandwich for programs like fitday, one basically has two options.
Enter the sandwich piece mill - bread 2 slices, lowfat cheese 1 slice, 2 tsp mayo, 1 oz ham.
Or if it is something that you routinely make, one can enter it as a custom food, which would entail reading the label (or looking up) the nutritional values for each item then combining them into a custom item which you name.
The custom food option is the most time consuming on the front end but later it makes it really simple just to click you custom food (Myhamsandwich).
(New stuff)
Surfing I found a great conversion site. It actually has a weight to volume conversion of some common food items.
If anyone has questions about food measurement, understanding labels, or logging nutritional values, I will try to answer them.