New Daily thread....What'cha eatining today
sykoeve brought up a problem that I have had with to convert cups to tablespons. How many tablespoons in a cup? If I have 4 tablespoons, what percentage of a cup is that? Also, according to my little measuring cup that I got in the hospital, 2 tablespoons = 1 ounce but that was for liquids and soft foods. If I weigh something such as meat or cheese and it weighs 1 oz. can I count that as 2 tablespoons? Any tips on measuring things like a sandwich???
Measuring makes me crazy! Probably because I was never good at math!!
Great thread. It is realy helpfull to see what others are eating.

Conversion in set programs can be a bit of a pain.
1 cup = 16 tbsps
1tbsp = .06 of a cup (.0625 for those who are mathheads) or 1/16 of a cup.
4tbsp = 4/16 of a cup or 1/4 of a cup
ounces in weight and ounces in volume measure (cups, tbsps, etc.) are NOT the same.
The only way to know how much an ounce of something by weight is by volume is to measure it by weighing it then measure that amount by volume method. OK, OK, not totally truth (I can hear the math and science freaks), if you know the weight, then mass by weight or density or someother esoteric mumbo jumbo I am sure there is a formula equation to figure it out but its a kitchen not a lab.
happy measuring,
As for measuring stuff like a sandwich for programs like fitday, one basically has two options. Enter the sandwich piece mill - bread 2 slices, lowfat cheese 1 slice, 2 tsp mayo, 1 oz ham.
Or if it is something that you routinely make, one can enter it as a custom food, which would entail reading the lable (or looking up) the nutritional values for each item then combining them into a custom item which you name.
The custom food option is the most time consuming on the front end but later it makes it really simple just to click you custom food (Myhamsandwich).
Yes, it is most obvious that I have spent way too much time dieting. lol
Hi Alice,
Wow, you do know the ins and outs of!!!! I rely heavily on it for both mine and my husbands daily food journaling. Thanks for explaining it to the other poster, you did a great job.
Would you mind starting a thread so everyone can understand how to use this great tool? For me, it took me awhile to figure out the .0625 and such. Now that I'm farther out I don't use TBS measurements too often, unless it's something like salad dressings, and the program usually list TBS on the drop down menu.
Have a great day