If I remember correctly from Dr. Baker's seminar in June of this year, he's only lost 4 patients & all 4 had heart related problems & didn't follow his instructions. WLS scared me too, especially since I have a little girl at home, but I felt it was the right choice for me. I also felt like God knew how much she needed me and since He gave her to me, He knew I'd be the best Momma for her. I believe you are making a wonderful choice for yourself!
Thank you Amy. I went to Dr. Baker's seminar in September, but I don't remember him saying anything about how many patients he had lost. It was a good seminar and I learned a lot. I know I am doing the right thing for me, but I guess it is only human for us to worry about things like that. I go Nov. 30 for my psych evaluation. Hope she doesn't tell me I'm crazy....lol.
Thanks Amy
Maybe we can muddle through this together and give each other support. People's resonses to my message have been great. They have made me feel much better about my decision. I am so sorry your husband is not more supportive. Maybe he will be by the time you get approved for surgery. We do differ there. My husband has been very supportive. Every time I have thrown up a road block not to have this surgery, he knocks it down. I am so grateful for him. The rest of my family is also very supportive. Our family is very close and we support each other when in times of need. So I know they will be there for me when I need them. So.....whenever you just want to talk just hollar and I will be here to support you along with the other wonderful people on this sit. Just don't give up and stay positive.