Baptist Medical Center - what was your self-pay cost for BMC only?
Since this post, I have called BMC. The patient accounts representative I spoke with swears that they charge the same amount for patients with insurance as they do for patients without insurance. She stated that to do otherwise WOULD be insurance fraud. I requested an itemized statement of charges and will ask my aunt (who had it also but self-paid) to do the same. I have also since called my insurance. I am only $70 away from meeting my out of pocket maximum for the year, so no matter what the insurance pays, I will only owe $70. (Big relief!)
I work in insurance (not health insurance claims, mind you) and this always happens. Like if you go to a body shop to have a chip repaired in your windshield. If you're paying it yourself, most shops charge $30-50. If you file it on your insurance, the shop bills the insurance company $60-$100. (FOR THE SAME REPAIR).