can anyone help

on 8/4/07 3:41 am - southeast, AR
thank you so much for your response i really appreciate it and it all is so true how are you now have you had any problems?   what is the worse part of it? what has been the hardest part to adjust to so far?  it's all so interestting .  once again thank you very much
on 8/5/07 6:04 am - AR
I wouldn't recommend the Lap Band because of this.  Go with the bypass.  YOu won't regret it.  With all surgeries there is the chance of "horror" stories.  Look at my page.  kat4872.  I weighed 231 in Sep 2005.....I'm at 125 today with no complications.
on 8/7/07 6:44 am - Rogers, AR
I had the Lap RNY procedure with Mark Gibbs in Dec 03.  I think the most important thing here is that you have decided to make a step-- all surgeries have possible complications-- I really didn't have any-- a year after the bypass I had to have my gall bladder out-- and the next year I had a tummy tuck & breast implants after loosing 140 lbs. I know of a husband and wife here in NWA-- he had the lapband and she had the RNY-- it is what works best for you-- I know when I had mine that the Lap was just coming out-- I am sure with my eating addictions that I would have eaten my way around it.  Which ever one you choose-- remember it is a tool-- not the end all answer.   This gets you closer to the end goal then you have to stick to the guidelines!  Good Luck!!
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