Okay, what now,, with applying for medicaid
My husband is on disability but for less then a year, so no medicare yet. He is about 500lbs and has venious insufficiancy (which put him on disability) He was told he had to have 1 year doctor supervised diet. That year is up in August. We want to go try for spend down but not sure how to go about it. Any suggestions?
I am not sure exactly how th spindown works, I think a few years ago (before my medicare started) that I tried to apply for the medicaid spindown and didn't get it because I did not already have $13,000 total in medical bills yet. But I know I was told that if I got the spindown that I would thn have medicaid for I think like 3 months or something, and then I could get surgery. Of course I didn't know all the requirements then like I do now.
I know for Dr Baker's office, if you have Medicaid, you need to have:
Psych evaluations, labwork done, failed supervised diets 12 months out of the last 18 months. Atleast gone to 1 support group meeting, and went to his seminar.
But that is Dr Baker's requirements, and right now he is not taking Medicare patients, so I think that also would mean Medicaid, but you would need to call and ask their office. 501-221-9175
Now there is Dr. Gibbs in Little Rock, and there are some of his patients on here, so they could tell you more about what Dr. Gibbs require. But you can call his office at 501-227-9080.
So, as far as what your next step is, call a surgeon and attend a seminar about weightloss surgery. Then you can go from there.
Weight 5 Years Ago (2002): 275.0 -- 50.3 BMI
Pre-Consult (7/05/07): 400.12 pounds -- 73.2 BMI
Surgery Day (8/15/07): 369.8 -- 67.6 BMI
Past Weight (09/30/08): 205.0 -- 37.5 BMI
Current Weight (01/08/09): 190.0 -- 34.7 BMI
Check Out My Profile for Pics & Blog
Pre-Consult (7/05/07): 400.12 pounds -- 73.2 BMI
Surgery Day (8/15/07): 369.8 -- 67.6 BMI
Past Weight (09/30/08): 205.0 -- 37.5 BMI
Current Weight (01/08/09): 190.0 -- 34.7 BMI
Check Out My Profile for Pics & Blog
been to the seminar, did the lab work, psych eval, doctor supervised diet just finishing. Not taking medicare doesnt mean not medicaid. Medicare has a requirement of excellence -# of surgeries performed. Dr. Jones is who Jason wants to go with. He explained it in his seminar and as of last fall was still taking medicaid but not medicare. Thanks for trying to help! I am going to call and see if can get more info on spend down next week.