cant decide
Come on people, jump in here and offer your insights! :) First of all, I do believe if you scroll down you'll find the answers you're looking for from previous posts. But, I'll tell you why I made decision.
First of all I used to work in hospital administration and as such was very aware of some of the good cases wih the Bariatric Center and some of the horrible stories. I knew enough of the horrible stories about RNY that I knew I would NEVER EVER do that. II was jaded by that. If I didn't have that inside knowledge I'm sure my thoughts would be different. I personally feel RNY is for SERIOUS cases only. I felt that the risks were way too high for me. I have friends who've had RNY who are happy with their results and friends who suffer. So, again I've seen both sides. I didn't want something THAT drastic and unreversable. In short, I would have be on death's door with my weight to EVER consider RNY. Also, I think it's horrible that people will opt for the more expensive, more risky, much more involved RNY just because their insurance will pay for it. ( Some insurances don't pay, but that's often why someone goes with RNY). NO ONE should select what healthcare procedures THEY need based on what some insurance company says they'll pay for. That is letting the insurance companies dictate and practice medicine. The reality is that insurance companies who do pay for RNY will often pay for it over lapband because gastric bypass surgery has been around longer. It makes no sense to me that they'll pay for a procedure that costs often twice as much as lapband and is much more risky. But, they do. One theory is that a certain number of people automatically won't want to do RNY based on the risk factors and lifestyle changes they may not feel committed to making. Let's face it, if all insurance companies paid for lapbands and everyone knows the risks are much less, you lose slower ( which helps with sagging skin ), but studies show the results are equal over a number of years, it's reverseable, etc. then EVERYONE would be wanting lapbands and the insurance companies would be paying even more money due to the likihood of more people selecting a safer procedure.
So, that being said, my hubby and I both chose lapband surgery because it's safer, reverseable, no major cutting and rerouting of your intestines, no stretching your tummy out, much shorter recovery time, etc. I know that lapband has some risks, but compared to RNY it's night and day. As I said, I have friends who've had RNY and some love it and say it's the best thing they've ever done in their life. Others live in agony and feel it's the biggest mistake they've ever made in their life. So, I think each individual has to consider THEIR unique situation. Some people are not good candidates for lapband. Maybe your weight or size, fatty liver or other things make the lapand not the best option for you. I know some people who've had RNY who've told me they did it because they wanted something that would make them SICK if they tried to eat something they shouldn't. I have one gf who says she WISHES something like sweets would make her sick, but she can eat anything with her RNY and she can tell she's already eating more and having to really watch it. I think for the most part RNY and lapband people are supportive of whatever they chose and think that's the best and they're probably right. It's whatever is best for YOU. I'm sure some RNY folks can chime in on why they chose their procedure over lapband and you can find this info on older posts. Either choice is a big decision and shouldn't be entered into lightly. So, do tons of research so that in the end you'll feel that whatever YOU decide is the BEST for YOU! Go into it with a positive attitude and you'll do great! We're fortunate to have so many docs in Central Arkansas who have great results with both RNY and lapband. Best wishes to you as you try to decide what's best for you! Hugs :) Missy
Pre-Consult (7/05/07): 400.12 pounds -- 73.2 BMI
Surgery Day (8/15/07): 369.8 -- 67.6 BMI
Past Weight (09/30/08): 205.0 -- 37.5 BMI
Current Weight (01/08/09): 190.0 -- 34.7 BMI
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