Q re: hospital pretesting for lapband ( Dr Wellborn )
My hubby and I are gearing up for our consults with Dr Wellborn, hospital pretesting and dietary consult on monday. I've emailed Suzan, but I'm wondering if anyone knows what TYPE of testing we're doing tomorrow??? My hubby keeps asking me if it's bloodwork, why we're doing this again when we just did it at our doctors office? Also, if it's bloodwork do we have to fast before? Can anyone who's been there, done that enlighten us? It'd just be nice to know what to expect, rather than just knowing we have an appt at the hospital for testing and we have no clue what KIND of testing!
Thanks for any help! :) Missy
Hey! Maybe I can help a little bit....as far as the pretesting for Dr. Wellborn goes, there's not much to it at all. Matter of fact, I was wondering the same thing as your husband. I had just had all that work done with my primary doctor and then I had to go to St. vincent's for more tests. Anyway, all that they did as far as my pretesting went was to draw blood. They will take about two vials of blood for various tests. The lady who was taking mine, blew my vein so they only ended up with one tube. I am a very hard stick anyway so the other nurse just told her to make due with what she had because they were not about to stick me again. They also asked a lot of questions about medical history and medications and prior surgeries and all that routine stuff. Right before you leave, they will give you a cup for a urine sample. You have to collect your first urine the morning of the surgery. I later found out that this is to do a pregnancy test with so it might be only you having to give a urine sample. I'm pretty sure your husband will be negative on that end. :) I only know that it was for a pregnancy test because I later got a $25.00 bill from the lab for the test. I was a little upset so I called the office and they told me that sometimes things like that come up and that I would have to pay it....so I did! Anyway, that is about all that takes place in the pretesting. Should go smooth for you both. I'll be thinking about you. If you need anything let me know!
P.S. I did not have to fast before my bloodwork. They will tell you not to eat or dring anything after midnight the night of the surgery!!