Dumping Syndrome
HI there,
I'm 9 months out from RNY and have never dumped. I'm too afraid to try anything with too much sugar to see if I do, and I'm even more scared that I won't!!! I stick to things that have less than 16 grams of sugar in them and I'm ok. I have eaten too fast or not chewed well enough and felt like I had a rock in my chest (right at the top of my ribs), but no dumping.
Have you been told what causes it? Don't want to go into it if you already know the physiology behind it, but if you don't, I'll explain it as it has been explained to me.
Glad to see you doing all your homework. Remember it's a tool, we just have to follow the rules!
Take care,
First of all, I'm not a doctor, nurse or any other medical professional, so if I misspell or don't explain it by the book, please forgive me. This is how my doc explained it to me:
When you eat sugar the pancreas produces insulin. When you have a RNY, your stomach is about the size of your thumb, but the poor pancreas doesn't know the difference and shoots the same amount of insulin into your bloodstream as it would if you had the old, football size stomach. This is what causes you to get shaky and your heart to race.
Some people are very sensitive to sugar alcohols as well, or instead of (like Angie) sugar, but you'll have to Google "sugar alcohols" to see the definition.....I don't know enough about it and don't want to misspeak.
Also, some people dump from too much fat, like fried chicken. This isn't an exact science, what makes one person sick might not make someone else sick. What makes you feel yucky when you eat it today might not go so well tomorrow. I ate some popcorn and did fine, the next time I was miserable for three or four hours.
So, it's a lot of trial and error, but sooooooooo worth the effort. Mainly you just have to follow the rules. That's what's worked for me, I'm sure it will work for you!
Good luck
my first dumping experience was about 8-9 months post op....took two bites of home made ice cream and hot fudge and it started....I got sweaty cold shakey goose bumps started to get stomach cramps and almost barfed every where. I was dizzy and just wanted to die. I sipped water and layed down it passed in about 30-45 minutes. I learned that dunping is no fun.
I will tell you this......what makes you dump today may not tomorrow. I can safely eat 2 table spoons of ice cream every now and then. So remember....it is safe to just not eat the bad things. I am almost 6 years post op and still dump. It is life long.
I suggest you avoid those nasty things that cause it. You learn by trial and error too. Just remember if it happens sip water sip water sip water and lay back if you can. I almost passed out from the ice cream issue.
refined sugars, greasy foods can cause it, just be aware of what goes into your mouth.
good luck
5ft0....sw 233,lw 133,gw 135,cw 193..........
I am not doing so good in this part of my journey...9 yrs later. :-(
It's no fun - but you live through it. It is an excellent aversion therapy tool! Because trust me, once you've realized something was not cool to eat, you don't want to try it again. My one and only experience was with "Guilt Free" ice cream - LIARS! It doesn't have sugar but has sugar alcohol and I did not do well. So it really is trial and error but if you stick to the program your nutritionist lines out for you, it's less likely to happen.
I dump on sugar alcohols. I have only dumped twice and learned my lessons and left the sugar free but loaded down with sugar alcohols alone. I get real sick on anything too greasy and potatoes make me weak. You will learn as you go along what makes you feel bad and what not to eat. I had my surgery in October and have not tried sugars and won't.
I am 4 1/2 months out and have never dumped before but like Susan said I have never tried sugars to find out because personally the feeling you get when you overeat is to much for me and truthfully I only have a craving for sweets every great once in awhile and it goes away before you even get the thought out of your brain.
I haven't had surgery yet, so I haven't experienced it. What I have read suggests that it is like a super-sized hypoglycemic episode. (I have been hypoglycemic since 14, so I can relate to that.)
You can view someone "dumping" at:
I think she's a member on here and I absolutely LOVE her videos. She is SO inspirational to me. She also tells it like it is and I think was very brave to put herself out there in a way that most of us probably wouldn't.