before and after photos

on 6/24/07 9:59 pm - Alexander, AR
Morning All, Hope everyone had a great weekend. DH and I went to the Jefferson-Jackson dinner Saturday night with the gang from the salon.  Great evening, good food and fun company. Anyway, I finally got Gary to take some pictures of me and a friend from the Over 50 forum posted them for me. Go to my profile to see....two more pounds and I'm DONE!!!!!!!!!!



on 6/24/07 11:55 pm - Cabot, AR
WOW!! Susan you look so good. You have changed a lot since I saw you last. You have so much to be proud of. You are a great example for all of us. Hugs, Terri
on 6/25/07 12:23 am - Alexander, AR
Thanks Terri, How are you doing? Busy summer with the kids? DH is out of town for a couple of days on business so I'll be around a little more. ....let's catch up! Hugs



on 6/25/07 4:29 am
you really look wonderful! congratulations! nutti





on 6/25/07 4:48 am - Alexander, AR
Hi Nutti Thanks for the kind words, but YOU"RE the one who needs encouragement today!! Wow, two more days until you're on the loser's bench We're getting it all shined up for you to join us. How many times have you packed and unpacked and repacked LOL?   You're going to be fine, and in no time you'll be posting your after photos too. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers



on 6/25/07 5:11 am
ty Susan actually I havent packed yet. I have the suitcase ready but Im not packing untill tonight or tomorrow. I am not real sure as what to pack so Im putting it off. we will leave at 1am or so to reach the hospital by 5:30am. so I have some time left. doing laundry today...The kid needs clothing for the week...she is taking summer school classes and its not out til friday so she is staying with friends.  lots to do to keep me busy and my mind off of whats to come. nutti





on 6/25/07 5:17 am - Alexander, AR
I can tell you that I didn't use 90% of what I took to the hospital.  I never used my robe, just put a hospital  gown on backwards, didn't trust the slippers I bought so went barefoot (it's more my style anyway), and  was too dopey to read. What I DID use was Blistex (like chapstick) 'cause your mouth and lips get so dry, I took my own pillow which made me feel soo much better, toothbrush, toothpaste and shampoo/cond. The soap they have is pretty bad, so I'd suggest you take some you like. Oh, your CPAP if you use one. Take care, hope this helps



on 6/26/07 10:23 am - AR
You look great. Looks like everyone was having a great time.  Tammie
Tina T.
on 6/28/07 4:35 am - Alma, AR
Hey Susan, I went and took a look at your pics. You look good!!! Do you think you will keep losing or stop? i often wonder myself if when i get to my goal if I will stop or will i keep going? LOL!!

Tina Thompson  

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