So Thankful.....
for friends. I am so blessed to have friends who support me, even on my bad days. I have had a particularly moody day today, got alot on my mind but we all do. I am so thankful for friends who love me when Im moody, or I'd be a lone ranger lately. Im also very thankful for all of my buddies on OH who are here to talk to, even if it is in cyberspace. I wonder daily how you are all doing, and if your day is going well.
So, what all are ya'll thankful for today? I have much more, but today that is my main thought. Im always thankful for family, so I'll try to talk about other things as well.
Hugs to all,
well today I have been suffering from a clogged ear...its been bothering me for a few days but this morning I woke up to deafness in one makes me thankful for my hearing!
I also am Thankful for my friends...whose troubles in their lives make mine seem so small.
I also am thankful for the blessing their prayers have brought to my life!
So Thankful for...
My weight loss. Before surgery, I would literally have to stop in Walmart and sit on a shelf (well lean on one****il my back would quit hurting so I could walk some more.
My house sits in the middle of 7 acres. From my house to the mailbox it is about 300 yards. I know that does not seem like very far BUT, until this month it had been almost 2 years since I walked to the mailbox and back without stopping! For this I am thankful. My back does not hurt anymore and now when I walk, instead of bending over gasping for breath and clutching my chest, I am standing upright, breathing in and out, actually enjoying the feeling of my lungs expanding and also I am able to swing my arms while I walk. Thank you God for the 56 lbs I have lost so far!
Much Love and Huggs to everyone!
Who else is Thankful?