life is short
more sadness for marion high school students.....a second student suddenly died yesterday. He was 18 and star football player.....had a heart attack. On June 5 a student wa**** by a car on I-40 walking home. Both of those boys just graduated this year. This makes about 5 students to die this year. 2 were killed during spring break, one was shot to death by a friend in April. 2 students were seriously hurt in car wrecks. I am losing track of it all. So sad.
Life is too short we all need to be thankful we have been given a second chance........thats what this surgery is doing for us us a second chance at life.
well I am going home to pet all my baby cats (their momma is M.I.A ....dont know where she is).
I am going to take a hot and go to
this whole liquid diet thing is the least of my worries. Tomorrow is a new day. My days will be stressful until Friday at 5pm. Bi polar Betty (kim, she is in my pics for my birthday) will be back monday and she can do her job. I am accounts payable......not a billing clerk!!!!
did everyone do ok today with all their intake? I did not. Cant drink it all when I am the only one here and no phone in the
, thats the way it will be until she comes back. I am the only office girl right now. Maybe Monday I will start over new. I am about to give up.
ok I am going home......I have had enough of this insanity.....I get to go home and have it there with a lazy 14 yr old boy and a mouthy 17 yr old girl.
have a good night
luv ya
tammy and the "twins"
Yea...I would much rather deal with the mouthy lazy ways than to have to bury my child. That is not the way life should be. Right on about the return of Bi Polar Betty...she has a good heart but lies to hear herself talk and has to compete with me....she is a very jealous person and gets mad when my sister....who owns this company and I talk. She is my sister.......telling ya Betty is wacko. I am wanting to come that way soon. I am working on it. Pouch restart.....the woman who initailly posted it said her dr has her doing it for 2 weeks then I think she adds a salad at night for 4 weeks. I cant remember. I have yet to be all liquid for 24 hours. It is really hard, I am just trying to kick start myself and lose at least the 10 I gained after the boob surgery. I am one of those people who have to start any life changes on a Monday that way it becomes part of my workday routine. So I always start exercising on if I fall off the liquid diet I will re start on Monday. Anyhow....I gotta close here...I have work to do
love ya Tammy