Hubby & I both considering lapband, who's the best doc in LR?
That's so true, Wendy! Someone on Dr Wellborn's staff said at their seminar something to the effect of "We don't care where you go, check out other docs and find the good fit for you. Our only advice is don't go to Mexico!" haha I'm sure there are people who've done that who would support it, but personally there's no way I'm shopping for cheap healthcare in Mexico or some other third world country! SCARY!!! I understand shopping for clothes and cars and material items. But, when it comes to your health, I don't get why people want to go with a "cheap" doctor. I mean, if I had a brain tumor I wouldn't be calling 1-800-brainsurgeon ....haha......if you know what I mean. If you don't have your health, you don't have anything, so I think it's good to study up and go with someone good who's a good "fit" for you. Like I said, I've heard super things about Dr Baker. It's great that you have an aunt who's had the surgery so you have added support in your family! Big hugs to you!
:) Melissa
hahahaha.......funny, Wendy! And, a good point! We used to live in Arizona and I knew people who would cross the border and go to doctors and dentists in Mexico to save money. For me, I'm not looking to save money at the risk of my health. I've heard that it's hard for patients who've been to Mexico to find a doc here to do their fills and aftercare. Glad we don't have to worry about that! When's your surgery? WIshing you the best! Hugs :) Melissa