What did you eat today???
ok as some of you know I am long term post op and have started "time out", thats where I go back to post op right after surgery.....liquids only. I have not made it 24 hours with just liquids. I cheated last night and had 4 bites of chicken breast. ok so anyhow here is my break down for yesterday total as there were no snacks etc. 3 protien shakes...322 calories and 70gr protien 98 oz water plain (prolly more) 24 oz water in protien shakes 69.8 oz of crystal lite or green tea 4 bites of chicken breast, boneless skinless grilled no sauces such as bbq. I know that is alot of water/liquids...but yes I drank that much. I did 20 mins on the treadmill which burned about 115 cals in the a.m. I did 20 mins on the elliptical which burned about 270 cals in the a.m. I dd 20 mins on the elliptical which burned about 270 cals in the p.m. I think this accountability post will be good for everyone. It is kn to slip up we are all human. All you can do is not make that mistake again. We are here for each other. ok.......I gotta do my daily post huggs Tammy