
on 6/9/07 12:16 pm
Where is everyone planning to meet before the support meeting on Thursday? Jst 31 days till my surgrey!!!!!!! Can't wait. Susan, how are you doing back at work...hope it's not to hard on you. Rhonda are you feeling better? Johnnie
on 6/9/07 2:52 pm - Fordyce, AR
Hey Johnnie, So glad to hear from you!!  Im a little better, still having quite a bit of pain, and running some fever, but you know, it must not be fatal, as Im still alive!!  Kinda down this week, one of my friends from high school passed away yesterday, and it has put a damper on how I feel.  God knows the big picture, and I try to remember that. Not sure where I'll be b4 support group, I will be there early, as my sweet husband is coming with me, and we will prolly go thrift storing that day as well.  I may actually have my 14 year old nephew with me, he is facinated with what he calls the "fat folks" meetings.  I tell him we arent fat folks, we are losers, and dang proud of it.  IM soooooo excited about your surgery, when is it again?  I'll try to come see you, since I got my cheap deisel car going.   Seems since we got it, we are in Little Rock all the time now, its much cheaper to run than our truck was.  Still got the truck, drove it yesterday for the first time in 2 weeks.  Gotta love that deisel, since my father in law makes bio diesel!!!! Just let me know where you guys wanna meet and I'll be there.  Just remember, we have to be good, or Lauren will separate us!!!! Hugs, Rhonda






on 6/10/07 7:28 am - Alexander, AR
Hey Johnnie!  Nice to see you here I'm off on Thursday, so it doesn't matter really what time we meet. I wonder how early before the meeting they open up the room? Is is still held back behind the cafeteria? I"ll be huffing along on my crutches and boot (unless the doctor lets me out of it when I see him earlier that day). I'm sure we're going to have a great time, hope Lauren doesn't get her skivvies in a bunch if we do! Went back to work on Tuesday and probably should have waited at least another week. My incision still hasn't closed completely, and the pressure of me standing (even though I'm not supposed to be) on it, even a bit, caused it to ooze. So... called the doc in a panic Friday afternoon and he got me right in to see him. Put me back on antibiotics just in case and has me cleaning it twice (ok, I do it three or four) times a day with peroxide and betadine to get it to dry out. It seems to be working, so I'll know more on Thursday by meeting time. This salon is going to be awesome, they're very, very busy and I got a new color client each day I was there, plus one new one already for next week. Color clients are the best.....I like doing it the most and since I'm considered a master color specialist, I can charge the big bucks. Besides, the ladies that work there are so friendly and kind hearted....nothing like where I worked before. I really feel lucky! Can't wait to see everyone Thursday, let's see how many we can get to come!!



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