2fer 2sday
Its 2fer 2sday.................so you all get 2 times the fun with Tammy.....hehehe
lemme start by saying no food make tammy hungry...hungry tammy make 2 teen age kids sad!!!
I drank over 120 ounces of water yesterday....this does not include my coffee or water used in the icky shakes.
I ate 1 chicken breast, 1/3 cup cottage cheese, 2 sugar free jello snack packs, chicken broth, and two bites of green pepper and one bite of cucumber and 2 protien shakes. That was my food until the demons of 1130 pm woke me and I went into the kitchen and was very very naughty.......I took tylenol for major pains due to my lack of coca cola...I ate...OMG......I ATE ....... are ya'll sitting down???? I ate...oh my I am ashamed.....I ate a honey bun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh the humanity.....children are starving in far off countries and my fat a$$ ate a honey bun at 1130 last night. I am so ashamed. It was good tho.
Ok this is day 2.....I have had water, coffee, and protien shake. Brought one beef rib off the grill...very small...only a few ounces.....cottage cheese with bacon bits and jellos. Thats it.
I HAVE NOT HAD COKE SINCE SUNDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry for yelling. I am extremely addicted to it and my dr knew this and told me it would be hard to get off as it was my crutch like smoking is for some. I went from between 12-24 cokes a day down to 1.....now 0. I am trying to have a sense of humor about this and to picture myself all hot and sexy.....um yeah ok thats a dream.
Ok on another topic.....I have these pains that shoot through my nipple....dr says my nerves are coming to life.....I thought maybe I was like WONDER WOMAN....and had super powers in my nipples.
So much for that fun.
Elliptical......up to 20 consecutive mins which also means...20 minutes of pure hell in which I feel like slaying the first person who talks to me once I fall off the darn thing covered in sweat and gasping for air with numb legs and sweat in places I did not know sweat!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok...now for giggles.....this is too much info I know....but my new saying is.....what the heck....
I had to chase my stupid puppy through the house this morning....why do you ask??? the little freak took off with my thong.....I dont mean the flip flop type either....my drawers.......I am gonna kill him.
ok thats my fun for the day.....remember it is 2fer 2sday......I will be back.....like a bad rash.
peace out
tammy and the twins