Roll Call!! What 'cha doing today?

I guess I'll go next - I'm two weeks today and doing great. I'm refusing to weigh until I go to my appointment with Dr. Gibbs but I know I've lost. I'm feeling great and have managed to walk everyday since surgery. I'm up to 30 minutes a day. I left out Friday morning and took my middle son to stay with my sister in Alabama for a month. It was a 6 hour trip and I drove. I stayed there a day and then drove back. I was tired but made it with no problem. I was excited. That has been the extent of my exciting Memorial Day weekend. I admit I'm a little tired of the soft food diet - but I'm hanging in there. There are times when it seems like I can eat more than others - but for the most part about 4 tablespoons will fill me up. It's hard to complain when I'm not eating much anyway
My follow up appointment with Dr. Gibbs is June 6. I'm sure you'll all hear from me on my progress at that point!


Hi yall! I feel lost on this site...I live in Mo and having surgery in Ark the MO board has mostly ignored my presence and this leaves me feeling weird about posting here. I attend my support group meetings in Rogers. from where I am to there is the same distance to a group in Mo and none of them have Dr. Baker as a surgeon. My consult with Dr. Baker is on THURSDAY! I am sooo excited about it. when I leave there I will have my liquid diet to start on Monday. my surgery date is on June 27th BTW I am using Dr.Baker because he does surgery on peeps with my BMI I am a 72 this weekend we also went to see the Pirates...Im sorry Susie you didnt enjoy it. We did...maybe not as much as number 1 but its usually the first movie that is the better one in a series for sure. Loved the special effects. other than that and going to my step-dads gravesite we stayed home and the husband and kid worked in the yard and I finished a miniature project. I look forward to working in my yard next yr. its soo inspiring to me to see the photos and hear the stories that lets me know I will someday be able to leave my house and have a real life. nutti/Lynette

I worked Memorial Day- and spent the week getting ready to get back to school. Found out since I didn't take 2 more hours...... 20 years ago (college attempt #1) I am now in jeopardy of losing funding... Silly school... Silly Federal standards...
Saw the Pirates and LOVED it!!! Eagerly awaiting Oceans 13... (not very patiently mind you)
Walking has been hard- plantar Fasciitis sucks big time... Hoping to be pain free by Monday- second fill day!! Down 37 overall and feeling groovy!! Susan