You from the Mountain Home Area?
Hi there!
I just had the lap gastric bypass on 4/17/07.
On 6/5/07, I will be having the lap gall bladder removal.
On 6/8/07, I dreaming that I can still leave for my already paid for vacation with my family. The entire 40 to 50 people are not easily resheduled.
Anyways...we will be in the Mountain Home Area.
Any suggestions as to which dr/hospital to use in that area for any emergent care, if necessary?
Also, any suggestions of any hand me down stores/resale shops, etc in that area?
I won't be able to swim in the lake, but perhaps I will be able to at least go fishing, or maybe shop.
I'm being hopeful that all goes well with the gall bladder removal.
Thanks for any suggestions/advice. All is appreciated.
God bless,
I'm in Fayetteville and we have a great hospital here so if you need one, this is your best bet. Also, I think to do any decent shopping, you would have to come to Fayetteville and since you are coming this way, give me a hollar and I'll have coffee with you. Let me know when you are leaving and I'll send you my phone number. I guess we are less than an hour away.