tantalizing tammy...are you OK?

the school has failed to bring my sons grades to my attention, until reports cards come out and he has a 14. Some of the teachers do not even know who he is.....and he is in their class all day. He has ADHD. I have went to meeting after meeting with these ignorant poor excuses for teachers and they will not help my son. I was told two weeks ago...." grades do not matter until he enters 9th grade" I asked if the only reason he gets his grades is because he attends everyday....the answer "YES" I dont do his work every day. He does his work 99% of the time. I wa**** with 3 assignments and about 3 days to complete them. The only computer and internet access I have is at work. One assignment was a written report 4-5 pages long on Pea Ridge....where ever the hell that is, A poster with pictures and articles on the same, as well as a civil war diarama. This is not the only teacher to do this, music teacher gave me 2 days to get him to complete 8 worksheets and a report. They do not bother to contact me when he does not do his work, they wait until a day or so before progress and report cards go home. I have provided the teachers with my email and all phone numbers. They told me they are too busy to deal with my child. I have had meeting after meeting and requested they retain him due to his ADHD and the fact that he is very small and has a slight learning disability. They will not do it. So I have a 9tth grade son who weighs about 58 pounds. So you tell me what he is learning from teachers who have their heads so far up their back sides and the Baptist church here in Marion??????? He is learning nothing from them. I only seem to have this issue with teachers who are young. The older school teachers are very helpful and willing to shoot me an email about assignments and so on. My next step is going to be with the school board because I do my part with making sure he attends, making sure he is respectful, making sure he does his work at home. I can not go to school with him. I can not beat the crap out of him. I have taken away everything as punishment for not bringing home school assignments and also for not doing them. You tell me what to do????? I do not have money, a husband, or the means to home school him. I know he will probably quit school and when he does he will go live way up in Illinois with his dad because I refuse to let him live down here and become a useless meth addict . Or be on the welfare system or jump from job to job. He is going to summer school and I am asking you just how do I pay for it? I make less than 25 grand a year. I manage. I make too much for any assistance not that I would ask for it. So you judge me and assume I do his work all the time, you did not know he has ADHD, you know nothing about my situation. I am not angry, I am frusterated and crying because my ex husband is a loser and I dont want my son to be like him. People tell me to give him to my ex husband, thats not an option. He will surely quit school. I actually make him go. My ex would not do that. So....what next??????????