What if...
I have been plagued the last two days with what ifs. What if this doesn't work - what if my surgery doesn't work like other peoples did - what if my pouch doesn't heal like it should - just to name a few. I know that this is the hard time when I'm making the sacrifices without really seeing the result, and it's probably because I'm still sitting at home and don't have enough to occupy my brain. I still can't seem to shake the what if's. How did you guys combat this issue?
Well, I see I was not alone, lol. My what if was a major, What if I dont heal properly, or what if I get some major infection and am sick eternally? I combatted mine with concentrating on drinking my water and trying to get in all my fluids. And I must admit that some days I still am plagued with thoughts of what if? Especially after going in the hospital for kidney issues and finding out while I was in there that I had that stupid blockage that I had no idea I had.
I guess we just have to keep going and realize that God allowed us this opportunity and we have to do the best we can with what we have.
I know you will do well, I weighed this morning, (at the vets office, funny huh?) and I have lost 70 pounds since Feburary 12.
to Dr. Baker!!!!! Just know that we are are here for you and if you need some support or a shoulder to cry on, holler out for us, we are here for sure!!!
Rhonda :horse:

Hi Angie,
I'm sure there isn't one of us who hasn't had the same thoughts that you're having right now. I have a one word answer for you:
Trust that you made the right decision
Trust that Dr Gibbs did a great job
Trust that you're going to start feeling better every day
Trust that the weight will start dropping off very soon
Trust that you WILL be able to eat real food again
Trust that you're co-morbidities will go away
Trust that the Lord has you in his hands and He is caring for you.
If you feel well enough to get outside for a walk, go. If not, just sit in a nice chair and soak up some natural vitamin D. Maybe take a book or a magazine. Don't worry, you'll be ok, and you're among others that have been down this same road. We know the way.
Take care,
Thank you so much. I'm feeling alot better today and I guess just needed to know that what I was dealing with isn't uncommon. I got out today (went grocery shopping - Blah!) and that really was good. My mom left yesterday and I think I was probably just feeling more blue than I realized.
You guys shook me out of it and I am so grateful to have somewhere to go to ask or just vent if I need to. Thanks again! AT