I'm home!
Hey Susan
Try and hang in there...things will get better...maybe you can come to some suport group meetings when your up to it ...or we can make plans to meet somewhere...would love to see you again.
I got some good news today...my pcp told me today that he faxed the last of my stuff to Dr Baker yesterday...so i should get a date soon...just got to get this problem with this golf ball in my throat cleared up
I went in today with my leg ...lol..i think i'm gona fall apart...was hurting so bad i could hardly walk...he took me off my zocor said it might be messing up my muscels.
Gave me pain pills...that helped
Anyway I know you glad to be home .. take care and feel better.

Hi Susan
So sorry to hear what you've had to go through!! Hope you can focus on the progress you do make!
Hope being at home helps, I know the Central lines are no fun but they beat the alternative for me several years ago when I had the choice of being an inpatient or ptting in the central line and going to the ER everyday for a 4 hour antibiotic drip.
Glad you're home.