I'm home!
Hi Everyone,
Just wanted to let you know I'm home from the hospital. Thanks for your well wishes, and especially to Sherry, Johnnie and Rhonda for the visits. They were most welcome.
I still have a long, long way to go to recover. Had three surgeries in a week which left me in a bad way. The anesthesia is the pits, my hair is falling out again, but worst of all, I will never be able to have this ankle repaired to anything close to normal. I will always have to wear a brace to walk, and then it will be with a limp. I'm using a walker here at home and a wheelchair when I go out of the house. Will have IV antibiotics for the next three weeks, and then another week of oral meds. The home health nurse will come daily to change my dressing and to take care of the IV line.
I'm trying vey hard to get my head out of this nasty funk I'm in. I'm very bitter and angry that this is happening to me. After a life of being over weight, I thought I'd have a chance at being "normal", but this comes along and takes that away. I know the alternative is much worse, but gosh, just a chance at a time in my life when I could blend in and be one of the crowd. Oh well, such is life, huh???
So, have you all been playing well together since I've been gone? Hope everyone is doing well, drinking the protein, taking the vitamins and getting out and moving!!
Gotta go get my foot propped up again, you all be good now!!
Love ya
Susan aka Hopper-Ilean
thank you for calling me. I am so glad you are home. Just remember when you get down to ask yourself where you were 2 years ago, 18 months ago so on and so forth.
I am keeping up my spirits...or at least trying too...I laugh at everything too....maybe I have totally lost it and went crazy......hope their drugs are good. LOL!!!
You blend in the crowd....trust me. dont let a little hop get ya down. Could be worse.
Just smile.....and laugh.
luv ya
Hi Susan,
So glad to hear your home!
I know it must really stink, all this your going through.
I have fibromyalgia and had to deal with some of the feelings you are experiencing when I first got diagnosed and then again when i had knee surgery that didn't heal correctly. I still get really TICKED off sometimes. I work out at the gym and have to chose my machines carefully and the ones I really need to use are the ones I can't because of my knee or because I will cause myself so much pain I won't be able to move for a week.
you learn to live with your limitations and you cope. It seems hopeless at first but you will make it I promise.
Welcome home! It's always a little better when you get to sleep in your own bed, isn't it? I have a feeling that no matter what - you would never blend in with a crowd. People who have hearts as pure as yours always stand out. Now you have a hop to get everyone's attention so that they can see how awesome you are
We've missed you on the boards and glad that you will be able to check in on us now that you're back home. Make them take good care of you - and don't try to do too much too soon. Take care of you! AT

On the bright side, if you had not lost so much weight and had injured your foot and had the surgery and the infection and tried to hop along on your foot with all those extra pounds, well, you know what that would be like. You never know what is going to become of this. Maybe you will limp a little and maybe it will be a lot but it's like I was told years ago by a man who caught me feeling blue about the wheelchair he said, "Well, so what, be thankful that you got those two legs, so what if they don't work, you got 'em." Well, I sorta was angry at him at the time, but then, my sisters and I were at the mall and they were pushing me in and out of stores and we came wheelchair to wheelchair with another woman and she was sitting there propped by pillows and guess what, yep, she had no legs and no hope of ever standing on her own two feet. I felt so ashamed of the way I had been feeling. NO matter how small I get, I will never run or jump and probably will never walk well enough to blend in, but who the hell wants to blend. Give me individuality any day of the week and I know having trouble walking isn't going to be a cake walk, but therein lies the word, walk, you can still do it.
So, did they give you, there in that hospital, any good sweet taters? I will give you a call tomorrow, I would today, but hubby took my phone to work with im, actually, I left it in the car and he drove the car and so I have no phone. Hope you perk up.
Hey Terri,
My hair is starting to come in but it still falls out. The good news is that it is coming in really thick so those little hairs that do fall out are not missed, versus those huge clumps that fell out previous to the shaving.
I am doing wonderful, I went back to the surgeon for my six month checkup and lost another 25 pounds. I am doing really good and hubby and I are going to start riding our bikes again. I am still walking and hoping that if I get to ride my bike without breaking my neck, I'll build up my thigh muscles and lose more weight. I weigh less than my hubby, yeah and am no longer the fattest person in the grocery store or the theater or at our family get-togethers. I think my boobs have lost all of their boobage matter and are now just these long and swaying things that if I'm not careful end up hanging out of the bottom of my bra and eventually, if I'm not even more carefull, out the bottom of my shirt. Oh my! My cooter is starting to look normal, I know, there was a while that it wasn't losing weight and the rest of me was so that I looked like I had a huge tumor and then, finally, the weight began to leave, in fact, that might be the 25 pounds and now I just have a wrinkled cooter but who cares?
Maybe I'm giving you too much information. Anyway, I'm doing great and am happy school is out for a while and hopefully, I'll get caught up on board.
i got me some new boobies...they are so cool....all perky and full.......i love to look at them and see that they are at attention all day and night like good soldiers.....
yes $8500.00 can be well spent on titties.....
your cooter???? are you talking about your hoohoo???? i got a tattoo on mine...so when I look down....i see a greatful dead bear....hehehe...an this is too much info...but we are all women here.....if I dont neatly shave where the tattoo is....I look like I have a porcupine there......hehehe......
see my sense of humor is kicking in through all the stress......
check out my pictures....none of the cooter, porcupine...or naked boobies....there is a picture of me in the green tanktop taken a week after the boob job.
Hi there and welcome back! I have missed your wild sence of humor! It always keeps me laughing! It has been kinda boring without you & Susan. Both of you are on notice,
you can't leave at the same time again! Congrats on the 25LBS! That's awesome. I am going to get my bike out and start riding again, I still have 3 weeks to go yet till I can ride. I am glad your back and glad your hair is getting back too.
Take Care,
Rhonda Theis

Hi Susan,
I am so glad you are home. I hate that you are having to go through all of this mess. It will get better though. I will be thinking about you and hope you get your spirits up. You have always been positive and you will get through this. If you need to talk you know how to get in touch with me.
HUGS to you,