I have a DATE!
Oh Yeah - I have a date
I got the call from Carrie today at work. She was so funny. She called my cell and I was out of the office and didn't carry it with me. So she called my work number and one of my students answered. She told her "Yeah she'll want to talk to me." So my student brought me the phone down the hall and said 'It's Dr. Gibbs office - she said you'd want to talk to her" I was like - she was right! Poor little thing, I about knocked her down getting the phone
Oh yeah, the date is June 8. I'm going on May 31 to do all my pre-surgery stuff and pay. Oh yeah, I got the money today for my part of the surgery.
So today has been good. I'm anxious to hear what I need to be doing now - other than waiting.

I don't mean to be nosey, but where did you get the money for the surgery? Did you borrow from a medical loan company? I have insurance and am waiting for the answer from them, but I'd like to have another plan if I get denied. I've heard a lot about medical loan companies, but I've also heard they have a high interest rate. If you know of a good company, I'd like to know.
Thank you.