14 mins
14 mins on the elliptical and i am dead. It is far more exhausting...I can crank out 4 miles on a treadmill no problem....
thought for the day
confuscious say:::: WOMAN WHO STAND ON TOILET, HIGH ON POT!!!!!
ILEAN....Macys...good...I am poor....but can window shop!!!!!! hehehe They just opened up a new one at a new mall in Collierville..... the "avenue at carriage crossing" need to check it out.
have a good day....I am gonna try...elliptical killing me....but I should have a nice butt in a few years.... hehehe
Was that at one time? Yesterday you had to break it up, so I'd say you're really gettin' it done!
Where is Collierville? I literally have NO clothes. I was saving some jeans a client gave me, waiting to fit into them, but waited too long, now they're too big. I have two pairs of jeans and a pair of dress pants that are barely wearable and that's IT! Gary is taking me shopping this weekend, God love his heart.
The foot....not so good today. The infection is back, steri-strips are soaking wet and the whole heel is red. I swear I haven't missed a single dose of the antibiotic, so now I wait for the nurse to call me back. Of course I can't drive, so have to coordinate it with either Gary or our son to get me to the doctors office. This is really getting old. Four weeks ago today was surgery and no end in sight.
Hope you, your bodacious ta-tas and you skinny butt have a good day
Susan- leaning more