Not new here but haven't been around in a very long time!
I thought I would re-introduce myself. My name is Amy and i am in Jonesboro, AR. I have been a member of OH for a while now, 2005 I believe. I had the lap band in 2005. I am 18 months post op, I have lost 70lbs but my story is way too long and sorted to put in this post but if you want to know just ask and I will tell ya.
I am also on staff at Obesity Help. I am sad to say that most of the people on staff are a little backward thinking about us folk for Arkansas! lol like we are barefoot and wear overalls with a piece of straw hanging out of our mouths. LOL Just kidding.. although I am an oddity in some respects, like the way I talk.
I hope that we can stay active on this board. I was on it before and it was SO dead. I hate to see it because it has a negative result in some respects as to OH planned events and things of the sort. No activity so they must not care as much. I would like to see this change.
I will go for now, and hope to get to know you all a little better!
Thanks again,
Amy Lucas
Lapband 11-18-2005
Hi Amy,
I am relatively new to the board and would like to see more posts, too. I have often gone to the general board rather than here as they are more active on it and I can get answers easily.
I am in my final laps before I schedule my doctor appointment. I am different than most and on Medicare disability. I am looking into a supplement so more will be paid and have to wait for that information. There may or may not be a 3 month wait and I want to find this out before I schedule as that often is there indicator of whether anything is considered pre-existing or not.
The LapBand is my choice and now I read there is another one from J & J that is up for FDA approval. Too bad it won't happen in time for it to be a consideration for me unless it takes me until the end of the year to go through all the hoops which I definitely hope not! I am so ready for this and my joints are screaming for relief not to mention my back! Too many issues.
Good to meet you and hope to see more activity.
Carol Braman
Hi Amy,
Welcome back, I guess? Sounds like you really haven't been gone, just not here.
I hope you can see a big difference in the activity level here, we've all worked hard to try and get it more active. When I first joined OH there would be days or weeks between posts, so I think we've come a long, long way.
It's good that you're a lap-bander, we need more members that can speak about their experience with that type of surgery.
Nice to meet you
RNY 9/14/06 down 82 lbs
Hi Amy!
I feel the same about the website. I have been a member since 7/06 and was disappointed that I did not get many replies. I begged for help and information about my surgery and only 3 people replied. I was on the website every day, then I just started checking it once or twice a week since my surgery on 12/26/06. This is my only support group because my surgeon is two hours away. I sure hope things pick up. I would love to have some one to talk to that has had the Lapband, especially since you had yours in 2005. How are you doing since your surgery? How many fills did you have to get? It's been about 4 months since my surgery. I have lost 56 pounds so far. I am scheduled to go to Little Rock for my second fill on 5-16-07. Hope to hear from you in the future!
Hi Crystal!
I had the same response from the website that you had. I needed support and help and all I got was criticism. This didn't happen on this board but the Lap band forum. I soon decided that it was not exactly where I wanted to be due to the "tough" love approach several of the members decide to push on you in the form of support. I found out since I switched surgeons that the issues I was having were NOT my fault and was due to a bad placement of my band. It sits on a major nerve that runs up into my shoulder. There is no way to fix it unless i undergo surgery to reposition my band and my new surgeon doesn't think it would be something I would want to do. Sometime the pain is so bad, it is something I would consider. Although I do see his point in going in just for this.
My results are not typical on my lap band. I am 18 months out and have only lost 70lbs. I say only 70 because most people at this stage, they have lost at least 100 lbs or more. I am still thrilled with my loss though just upset at the journey to get to 70.
I have had six or seven fills at this point and there is a huge long story that goes with this. I will update my profile sometime today so you can go and read it. It would take an extremely long post to tell my story so I will just put it up there and anyone who wants to read it can.
56lbs is nothing to sneeze at especially being this far out from surgery! That is an incredible achievement and I am so very proud for you! If you need help or just feel like talking, message me. I am online too much. It doesn't help that I work online either! lol
Take Care Crystal,