Group Meeting in Little Rock
Hey guys,
So glad to see someone interested in the meetings. There are support group meetings every second Thursday night at Baptist Hospital in Little Rock. The schedule is on Dr. Bakers website. We have a great time, get to meet new people who are pending surgery and have had surgery. Lauren Hill, the lady who runs it is great!!! Lots of laughs, she had surgery herself several years ago. Please join us, we have a ball.

Hi you will love the support group meetings at Baptist, they are very informative but also very casual and laid back. You get to hear from lots of post ops as well about their journey and the lady Lauren Hill she seems to remember every ones faces. She also runs the Bariatric floor. I went last month and I look forward to going in May. It will be on May 10th on the ground floor in the Gilbreath 22, I don't know what that means but that is what it says. It's from 6pm to 8pm.
The support group meetings are WONDERFUL. Gilbreath 22 is certainly on the ground floor. Take the elevator, or the stairs, down and it is thru the cafeteria, around the corner to the left. Not the easiest place to get to if you are pre op and have problems walking, but we dont have many there. Only when our room upstairs is not available!!!
Lauren is indeed the bomb!!! Sooo funny, understanding, as she has done this before. And yes, she remembers EVERYONE!!
Hope to see more of our OH'ers there.