Went this week for my 2 week check up. I am pleased to report I lost 23 LBS !
I guess that means I am on my way! Also, I am still running low fever and have an infection
..... please keep me in your prayers as I promised Doc I would be back next week, infection all gone! Have a great weeekend everyone.

Wooo Hoooo!! 23 in 2 weeks is great. Sorry you have an infection, will keep you in my prayers that all is gone and well by next visit. Keep us posted and keep up the good work.
I am almost 10 weeks out and have lost 60+ pounds, and it is such a wonderful journey. Cant wait to meet you at the support group meetings. Get well and let us hear from you.
The other Rhonda

Hi Rhonda,
I have been so busy and have not gotten on here much. I am so glad to hear everything is going well for you. We need to plan a time to come and visit. I would love to see you in person and help you with any issues you may be having. I am here for you if you need advise or help or just to talk. Keep up the good work. It will be 7 months for you before you know it.