Carbonated drinks??
Seriously, I've taken a few sips here and there and it hurts like heck. The pain is just not worth it, at least not to me. I took a drink of my daughter's Pepsi one night after it had been sitting for about an hour and it was watered down, that didn't hurt but it didn't taste good either, so what's the point?
Also, from what I understand, carbonated drinks do not count toward daily fluids and I don't have any ounces in a day to waste.
That's been my experience. I was really missing the sodas for a while until I tasted one and saw how much it hurt. Now, I don't even look at them.
Take care,

I forget which proceedure you have/had...
But with my Lap band, Wellborn allows diet soda that has been over ice for more than 5 minutes. Not totally flat but not full carbonation. I know its not as good for you as plain water, but I am a diet soda junkie and the fact it was allowed was a big deal for me. I have had some, I can't drink nearly as much as I did, but a small cup does the trick. I bought the little kiddo size sodas and barely finished one. I'm personally now hooked on propel water. Man that stuff is good!
Hope this helps.