ROLL CALL!!!! Who's here and whatch' doing???
Well, what a grand idea!!! Of course, while shes leaning, her brain has time to think on that creative side!!! And shes been pretty smart since I met her!!
Home-Fordyce, AR
Surgery-Februay 12, 07, Lap RNY
Doctor-John W. Baker
Hospital-Baptist Medical Center, Little Rock
Starting Stats-5'6", 254
Current weight-195---59 pounds gone, 55 to goal
Good luck to all,

Rhonda, you're so funny! If I didn't have you guys to bug, I'd really be going down the yellow brick road to crazy land. This being stuck inside not being able to drive really bites!
Guess it's from being such a darned independent person.
You're doing great, and having so many wow moments with your riding. Life is terrific, isn't it?
Take care,
Susan Ilean
I'm lots farther behind than you guys! I'm just studying all the information and trying to figure out where to go for surgery since no matter what I will travel. I am up in the NW corner in Bella Vista so Missouri, OK and AR are my options. I am studying one in Springfield, Missouri now that sounds interesting. I wish these personal sites had all the details like we have for doctors on the Obesityhelp site! I have been told I should go to the closest one that does the highest volume as well as focuses the bulk of their practice to bariatric surgery. What do you think? Just how do you pick a doctor?? I can't afford to go to multiple seminars with the price of gas what it is and the distance so great. What do I need to ask them when I call?
Carol Braman