Baptist Hospital Rooms
I wanted to ask those of you who went to Baptist in Little Rock, did you have any problems getting a private room. In the letter Carrie sent out, she said if we wanted a private room you had to request one before you go into surgery. And then you might get put on a awaiting list.
Getting a little nervous with little over two weeks to go.
God Bless
18 days to go 

I requested a private room so my husband was going to stay with me and help me. But unfortunatly I got put in a semi-private room and he couldn't stay with me had to get a hotel room for him everynight we were there which sucked and cost a lot of money. Because he was back up there early in the am because he had to help me with my bathing because i couldnt get to some parts and the staff sure weren't willing to helpyou. And you will have to get up and walk on your own no one ever came and told me I needed to walk I just knew because I am a nurse. I disliked that hospital very much, I will never go back if i don't have to. Not trying to scare you but want you to beware. Forget the waiting list you will be discharged before you get a private room. Anyway any questions just throw them my way I am 7 wks post-op.
My nurses at Baptist were good as far as answering the call button and getting me what I needed when I asked, but I was left on my own a lot. Fortunately, I'd been through 2 major surgeries before and knew what to expect afterwards and knew I was suppposed to get up and walk. I was never told to walk either, I eventually just started unplugging my IV and getting up on my own. They seemed to be understaffed when I was there.
If I had never been through surgery before I probably would have laid there the whole two days without getting up to walk further than the bathroom. If you have more questions I'll be happy to answer them. I wouldn't worry about any of it though, you'll be fine.
Take care,
Thanks for all the info, I have been the hospital one other time but it was in Shreveport. when I was there I did not have to ask for a private room it was just given. So I have never had to go through this step, and I was a little curious. We just do not have the money for my husband to stay in a hotel the entire time I am in the hospital, and it is too far for him to drive back and forth. I am just trying to find out everything before I get up there.
God Bless
And thanks again
I think they did the best they could. There is so much going on and so there were times when I called and had to wait. I was very understanding though. I would just get up and take care of it myself. They were very nice to me when they were in there helping me. I would recommend them to anyone. The only thing I would like to have changed is being put in a room with someone else who had the same surgery that I did. I was in a room with a very nice elderly woman but would have liked to have someone going through the same thing I was.
My roommate was my biggest complaint too, Terri! She didn't have the same type of surgery, in fact she had just come out of ICU, but she wasn't very curteous. She talked on the phone at all hours of the day and night as loud as she possibly could and she snored worse than anything I've ever heard in my life! Plus, her husband kept bringing in outside food for her. My first night there he brought in BBQ plates for them and I could smell it, that was the worst, I couldn't even have a sip of water! Then she says "Do you want some?" and she knew I had just had gastric bypass
I think she thought it was funny. I was so happy to get out of there mainly because of her!