Birthday Wish
Carrie called me immediately when she got the approval (some how or another my approval got lost, so when she faxed the letter the second time on the same day BCBS faxed her back the approval letter) and told me that she could schedule me on my birthday. I went to the seminar the same day that you did. I had already been approved for the lap band with another doctor but after the seminar, I decided to switch procedures.
Carrie knew how important that it was for me to have this before May or around May 1st. She didn't promise me anything but she did tell me that if she could get everything done, she would definitely try to make this happen for me.
She did it, she did it!

I've been (barely) resisting the temptation to call because I don't want to be a pain - but I really really REALLY need to try to get scheduled for May. I have a small window of opportunity to be off work before the next wave of crazines****s so I may call. I did call the insurance co. on Friday but they didn't show anything in the computer yet from the office and I haven't gotten the letter yet from Dr. Gibbs office. I'm really trying to not be a whiner - but I just can't hardly wait. The only thing that's held me back has been the number of people that were at the seminar and I know they are all just as excited about it as I am.
I'm trying to not be too envious of your date
I know it will still feel like a long 2 weeks for you. Thanks for the info and have fun getting prepared. AT

Your time will come. I didn't get my letter from the Dr. Gibbs office at all nor did the insurance send me anything this time.
I would call Carrie and ask. Just so you know it will take those Medicaid and Medicare patients a little longer to be approved, they have a lot of paper work that has to be completed. I bet you will get approve within the next week and get a day right around May 1. Which surgery are you having cause lap band surgeries are scheduling really far out.
Hey Angie, I have Blue Advantage of Arkansas. It took about 4 weeks before I got my date.
I got very impatient so after waiting 3 weeks I called the insurance and they said they had not received anything from the Dr office. In the seminar we were told when a letter was sent to the insurance company we would get a copy, I did not receive one, so I am not sure exactly when it was submitted. So I finally broke down and called Carrie to see what was going on, but I had to leave a message, and within 2-3 days after leaving her a message, Kay called to tell me what was required (money wise) for me to have the surgery and to find out if that was okay. After that, Carrie called about 2 days later and we set the date.
Hope this helps, I know waiting is frustrating, but keep in there. If your policy is similar to mine, as long as you meet the requirements there is no pre-sertification required. You don't have to go through as many steps as everyone else, but it seems like it takes longer for some odd reason.
Well God Bless, and good luck.
Thank you so much for the info. I will give them a call and see if I can find out anything. I probably worry too much about being pushy but I also know that you can go to the bottom of the pile if you bug people too much
This is starting week 3 and I don't think I can hold out any more. Thank you to all you guys for your help. AT