Looking for input
Hi All,
I'm new here and need some help making a decision so here I am - where the folks who know can answer me!
I am wanting the Lap-band surgery just because I have a fear of losing the ability to reverse the procedure and this one gives that option.
I am Medicare and have talked to them and will get covered but want to do a supplement that will cover the rest - does anyone know of one that doesn't have pre-existing clauses and covers bariartric surgery? I know I will ask AARP but wondered if anyone has experience with a provider.
My biggest issue though is how people are doing and dietary changes they had to make with this procedure.
Also, one of the really big decisions I have to make is where to go. My daughter is in Colorado and would love for me to do this out there but I wonder if that is wise since I live in Arkansas. What about fills or what if there is a problem? I have had back surgery in Tulsa and see Norman also has a qualified surgeons (I got them off the Lap-Band site and wonder why they aren't on this site).
Any help you can give me would really be great!
Carol Braman
Hi Carol, welcome aboard!
I had RNY so I don't have any advice or knowledge on the Lap Band procedure. I just wanted to tell you that RNY is reversible, according to my surgeon Dr. Gibbs. Also, I'm thinking he said with the lap band that you would have to see the surgeon who does the procedure for fills or complications. I could be wrong on that, I just can't remember! Hopefully someone else on here will know for sure.
Don't know about the Medicare supplement either, sorry! I'm not much help
You could try posting that question on the insurance board or main board. Good luck to ya!
Take care,

Just a few answers... I just had the lap and I am doing well... or so I feel. The diet changes are extreme at first, depending on what you ate before. I ate alot... ALOT!
I had 4 oz soup today for dinner and felt like it was 10 minutes after Thanksgiving... Not ill but very full. Your diet after fills is 14 days liquids and blendered soups, then soft foods... Then almost anything I want, within 800-1000 calories, depending on your Dr's orders. I do not feel deprived and I did mine over Easter!
If you have the lap elsewhere, I would check locally if a dr will do your fills... There is some hesitation about "working on someone else's patient" but if you made arrangements in advance it might be better.
There are several great doctors here in Little rock...
Please feel free to contact me PM if you have any other questions.
Hi Carol,
I had lapband surgery in Little Rock 16 weeks ago. It is a two hour drive for me, but I am glad that my surgeon is close. I have a friend who lives in Conway and she had her lapband done in Mexico. She has had a hard time to find a local doctor that will do her fills. When she did find one, she has to pay double since that surgeon did not do her surgery. As far as dietary changes, I have completely changed my eating habits. I was committed to doing what ever I had to because I had several life threatening conditions that would only improve with weight loss. I use to eat very large amounts of bad foods. Now, I eat soups, mashed potatoes, refried beans, yogurt, pudding, protein drinks and I feel so much better. I can basically eat what ever I want, but I do have problems with bread. I still like to have my sweets occasionally, but instead of buying a bag of candy bars, I buy the 100 calorie packs of cookies. I still go out to eat with friends, but I just order from the kids menu or I will order soup. As far as fills, I had my first fill at 8 weeks post-op. I feel "safe" knowing that I can call my surgeon any time and get in to see him the next day. My surgeon told me about this website and it has been very helpful. I am not sure why the Norman doctors are not listed. You can send an invite to those doctors to join the website. I am so glad that I had the surgery. I have lost 52 pounds so far and I am already off alot of my medications. I highly recommend the lapband. It is also nice that you can adjust it. My sister had the lapband surgery in July. She got pregnant in December so the doctor just took some of her fill out so that she could eat more. I hope I have been able to help you. Please let me know if you have any questions and good luck with what ever you decide to do!