they look good

on 4/10/07 3:54 am - marion, AR
dr said my new chi chi's look good. he had to pull out a few stitches that worked their way to the surface....all the super glue is gone. my left implant is high so I have to kind of coax it down.....I go back in 6 weeks...2 days before my 37th birthday. he told me to start putting mederma on my incisions. he thanked me for letting him do his magic on me.....and I thanked him for giving me back a sense of being a woman once again and not a freak. so there you have tittie story. are you? is the outlaw still in town? has there been a shoot out? have you hog tied her? ok ya'll have a good afternoon. tammy
on 4/10/07 5:54 am - Alexander, AR
I was waiting for your report to see how things went. So glad to hear you're no longer a member of the itty bitty tittie committee!! I went in for my post op yesterday, took out all of the (20) stitches, which were a big owie! I already had a nasty scar on the side of my foot from a surgery 15 years ago, now I have two other really big and very ugly ones to go with it. I'm in an air cast and crutches for 4 more weeks, no driving, no work, no money. Then I get rid of the crutches and go just with the air cast, but I will be able to take it off to drive. That's when I'll start my physical therapy for two-three months. All in all it will take about 6 months for a full recovery. It's going to be a long summer. Yep, MIL leave early (thank you) on Friday a.m. She has been a big help, but only after we had to have a "talk". I know she came to help me, but if I'm not allowed to do some things around here, I'm going to need medication that come from a different classification than pain meds!!! I'm going crazy here. She reads a lot. OUT LOUD to herself, not so much that you can hear it, but a tiny little whisper that's like a bee buzzing around your ear. Follows me where ever I go...even the bathroom!! Had to scoot her out or both of us were going to be embarrassed. Can't hog tie and stand on the crutches at the same time, or I'd do that and gag her too. Thank God you guys are here to give me someone to talk to and something to do.
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