First Major Goal Met!!!!!!!!
Woooo Hoooooo!!!
I met my first major goal that I set for myself this afternoon!!!! We were all at the trainers barn, and had new shoes and pads put on my horse, and I thought, Im gonna ride him today, no matter what. (I usually dont ride over there, too many other horses and stuff running loose) Then I thought, OK, here is the day I find out if losing 51+ pounds has made any difference in my strength and flexibility. Well, Holy Cow, I got on him BY MYSELF no assistance of a milk crate, a bucket or the back of the truck. I have never been small enough since I started riding to put my leg up in the stirrup w/o some lift from the ground. I cried!!! My husband was sooo proud, and everyone there just cheered.
I wanted to
but being as how I was up on the horse, I refrained, lest I fall and break something and end up
for a long time.
Talk about this surgery being so worth it all at one time, man, I am still excited. Then, I did that, I felt so good, I rode him for a while. When I say him, I mean, my gentle giant that is on my profile.
Just had to share my major WOW moment, thanks to everyone for being there for me, its been a horrible pollen season, but I will live I think.
Hope everyone has a great Easter, I'll be sure and post more about goals when I have them.
I love you all so much,