Lap vs RNY
I recently consulted with Dr Jones (Jonesboro) and quaify for surgical intervention but am having serious doubt about electing lap band. I have researched both types of surgeries and have concerns with the down time of RNY but I am worried about the long term effects of the band. I am also concerned about the surgical risks involved. I have very little will power and feel like a complete failure with my inability to lose weight. I have been heavy all my life. I don't know what to do so if anybody has any suggestions to personally compare the success vs failure of either type. I have heard of people gaining back their weight plus. I have to have surgery in Jonesboro because of insurance if they decide to cover. This is my first post and I am extremely nervous about the life changes but I have to do something....
Unfortunately I haven't had a surgery yet so I don't have any actual experience. But with the information I have received, I am planning for RNY. I too have been on the weight loss roller coaster for years and am to the point where if I don't make a permenant change, I will be putting my life at risk. I think with the lap band I will be too tempted to "play the game" because as I've heard from my doctor, you can still have some of the sweets and things that with the RNY will make you sick. I have one shot to do this and I'm not willing to take the chance that I won't do what is required to make the change. The RNY doesn't give me the option - I will get sick if I eat that sugar. It takes the decision out of my hands. I had a friend who went through this process put it this way - she looks at all things she eats as medically prescribed. If it isn't on her medically prescribed list, then she can't eat it. With the lap band, you can get away with more and it may not be as effective. Hope this helps. AT
Hi Angie,
I'm a Gibbs patient too! Your friend seems to have a great attitude about rny, and that's the most important part of this whole thing.
When is your surgery? Dr Gibbs is the best, and his staff is more than wonderful. You'll be in good hands, for sure.
Please keep me posted on your progress, I'd love to help anyway I can
I don't have a surgery date yet
I'm hoping to hear from Dr. Gibbs office this week. It will be 2 weeks on Friday since I attended the seminar and Carrie said to give them at least 2 weeks to get through all the paperwork. It's been hard to wait! I did everything I could to expedite the process but I know they will get it all done in due time. I'll be posting - I'm so glad to have found this support network. AT

HI Kathy,
I'm happy to discuss my experience with RNY with you, but due to my limited knowledge
of lap band, I won't comment on that procedure.
First of all, a BIG welcome to our boards. There are lots of very nice people here who only want to support each other and make new friends. We can get a little crazy, but hey, what else are friends for?
I had my lap RNY on 9/14/06 and have lost 79# so far. I started at 235 which is considered a "lightweight", and tend to lose at a slower rate than those who have say, over 150 lbs to lose. It was done by Dr Mark Gibbs on Thursday and I was home on Saturday evening. Slept in my own bed, on either side and didn't take any pain meds after getting home. I wasn't supposed to drive for 5 days, but my son had car trouble and on day 3 had to drive, and never looked back.
Fortunately I've never dumped from sugar or fat, but then again, I don't go there enough to find out if I do. The sugar in my coffee creamer doesn't bother me, and that's all I kneed to know. I buy no sugar added fruit to eat in my cottage cheese and yogurt. Bottom line here is I don't want to know if eating ice cream or cake will bother me, it got me to where I needed surgery, so why even go there?
I too have a very poor amount of will power, so the rny seemed to be better for me so I COULDN'T eat sweets. If I eat too fast or don't chew well enough I will be uncomfortable for an hour or so, but that's because I didn't follow the rules.
We save a TON of money on food since I can just share a portion of the one steak I buy for us. We rarely go out to eat now, but when we do I just order off the appetizer
menu or take a box home.
Would I do this again? Everyday and twice on Sunday!!!! It has changed my life in ways I could never imagine.
Kathy, I could go on forever on this subject, and obviously I'm a cheerleader for rny. But you're doing the right thing and researching all the options. Please take care of yourself and know we're here for you whenever you need us.
I chose RNY because I didn't want to have to spend the rest of my life getting fills. Plus, with the rny, you get the added bonus of a small pouch and you get a break with aborsption, or not absorption. I had a lot of weight to loose, so I opted for the more aggressive and I'm happy that I did, but that's not to say that banding isn't okay too. Both require surgery and both require recovery time. I was lucky, I had my surgery on one Wed and was back to teaching and attending classes one week later. I did fine. Good luck in whatever you choose.
Speaking in behalf of the band, I am very pleased with my band. I have lost weight since the surgery and I am not hungry. I did have some complications but it was from an umbilical hernia I didn't know I had, but that is not the norm. Other banders have been back to work in a matter of days. The fills are most prevelent while losing weight. Some people have very few fills during their weight loss. Once you find the "sweet spot" where the fill is set right, you can go sometime without a fill. Also as you near goal, you will maybe go in once or twice a year... not bad for something that if goddess forbid you gain weight, can be easily remedied with a fill. If the RNY pouch, from what I have learned, should happen to get stretched, its another surgery.....
With the band, you are "able" to have things you might deem not diet friendly, but let me tell you, you can only eat about a 1/4 cup of it... I personaly would rather count those calories and get on with my day with a smile on my face... then to be sick from it. Its only been a few days, but I have not felt deprived and there are people in my house eating all sorts of yummy things... I know that later I can have them in moderation.
There are pros and cons to both, and champions of each proceedure.. but I felt you needed to hear from at least one bander... with my personal opinion
good luck with your choice, either way you are on the road to a healthier life.
All the best
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Just making sure that you got my message.