First timer needs questions answered......PLEASE
Hey ya'll! So glad to see so many people like me on here! I am in the process of going to my second seminar and I will be setting up my consultation appt soon after that, when I pick the surgeon I will be using. I wanted to ask .......
1. What do you do at the first consultation with the surgeon?
2. What kinds of tests, evaluations, or other things do you have to do before surgery?
3. Has anyone had a BMI of 39 and with very few comorbidities (sleep apnea, high cholesterol (228) and high triglycerids(417) ) and still got approved?
4. Did you have to go on a pre-op diet and if you did what did you do?
5. If you went through insurance....what parts did they not pay and about how much did you end up paying out of pocket?
6. Did you have to have all the money that your insurance did not pay paid in full before you could be scheduled for surgery?
AND last but not least
7. What has been the best and the worst part of your surgery?
Thanks to everyone in advance for taking time out to answer is much appreciated

Hi Amelia,
Those are all great questions, however, hard ones to answer. Every surgeon is different as is the insurance. I'll answer the questions as they pertain to me with my insurance and my surgeon.
1. Asked LOTS of questions, doc took weight, height and medical info.
2. Did not need any tests, evals etc
3. had a BMI just a tad over 40 and no comorbidities, but had high cholestero and high triglycerides and cronic back pain. Got approved with no problem, but again, every ins. co is different and requires different things.
4. Pre op diet was not require - there are docs that do require them, but not mine
5. My Ins. paid 100%, so I have ZERO out of pocket
6. Most surgeons require any out of packet (not covered by ins) to be paid up front
7. Open RNY HURTS, I'm not going to lie. But the journey has been an experience. Not really sure there is a worst part. It's a total learning process as something you ate today might not agree with you tomorrow. Again, everyone is different. My surgery had been great, no complications (thank god), lost 100lbs at less than 11mos. Went on to lose a total of 117lbs. Below my goal and my surgeons goal. I feel great, have more energy then I have ever had before..............And most importantly, NEVER NEVER NEVER skip or skimp on your vitamins.
Hope my answers have helped!
Hey Amelia, good luck on your surgery. As far as choosing a doctor, I am not sure where you live but I am using Dr. Gibbs in Little Rock. I heard he is really good. I have my surgery on May 4th, one month :dance::dance::dance::dance:
I am not sure what I can add but I can tell you what I have heard.
1. Ask questions, a lot of them, start jotting down questions now so that you can take with you to the apointment that way you don't forget some.
2. I did not have to have any tests before I got approved, but I know I will during my pre-op, like x-rays, blood, breathing, etc...
3. I had a BMI of 41 and not very many co-morbidities (diabeties, sleep apnea)
4. I hve not been told of any pre-op diet as of yet.
5. As for the the out of pocket expense, since my insurance does not pay 100%, I have to pay the hospital (Baptist Health Little Rock) $1000 down, and I had to pay my deductible plus 20% to Dr. Gibbs. So in total I had to pay $2618.91. (my deductible was $1000).
6. I have to have the entire $2618 paid one week before my surgery date. I had to tell them that I would have it before they would even schedule the surgery.
7. As far as the best and worst, I will let you know in May.
Good Luck, keep us posted.
God Bless
Dr Gibbs doesn't require a pre-op diet or bowel cleansing. Only restriction is for any surgery, no food after 7:00 p.m., no liquid after midnight.
My lap rny took about an hour and a half, and I stayed two nights in the hospital, left late on day three. Went home with a bottle of liquid lortab and never opened it, and slept on either side in my own bed.
I started as a "lightweight" at 235lbs and today weigh 156---79# off for good. I'm off all my medications for blood pressure and acid reflux, and will probably be taken off my CPAP this summer, or as soon as I reach goal, which hopefully, will be by June.
I have never "dumped" or gotten sick, but I can say if I don't follow the rules by eating too fast or not chewing enough, I pay the price. There isn't anything I haven't been able to eat, but avoid the types of things that are old triggers, like anything sweet. The old saying, 'I'm afraid if I eat sugar I might dump, I'm afraid if I eat sugar I WON'T dump" is truth enough for me.
Dr Gibbs doesn't have a great personality, more like a door knob, really, but that's not why you hire him, is it? His staff, Carrie his nurse, and JoBeth the nutritionist, are top notch and will be there for you for what ever you need.
Best of luck to you on this amazing journey. Take care and let me know if there is anything I can do.
I had open RNY a little over a year ago. The best part is you are on your way to getting your life back. The worst part is anesthesia made me feel yucky for about a week. The pain is not bad. I had a 10lb baby so I am fairly tough and have a high tollerance for pain. I think I only used 4 Percocet after I got home. You are definately sore, but it is fine. Good Luck!