Hello from a stranger!
Hiya everyone, just wanted to post because I havent in over a month and let ya'll know what has been happening here! I finally went to the 2 docs that SS sent me too, and after waiting 2 weeks I received a response from SS stating that they are continuing my SSD!!!!!! I tell ya they sure know how to make folks worry! I was a mess up until the day I got that letter last week! I haven't picked my WLS process back up yet. I was waiting to find out if I would still have Medicare, and now I am feelin crappy from all the pollen floating around everywhere! It feels like my head is inflated to balloon size!!! I gots the BIGHEAD!
Trying to catch up on older posts, it has been almost a month since I was here. Hope everyone is doing well. Will holler at ya'll later!~ HUGS~~Joyce