I got to talk to Jodi
Hey everybody, Jodi just called to tell me she's safe and sound in Little Rock. Unfortunately half her luggage is still in London, which is also where her address book is. So,....until the airlines get her suitcases to her, my number is the only one she has (na-na -na-nanana).
She goes to Baker's seminar tonight, then labs tomorrow, surgery Wed a.m.
I'll keep you posted
susan (aka Ilean)
Hey Ilean,
Im so jealous, I wanted to go see her while she was in the hospital, but I am so freaking sick, I dont wanna go see her and risk infection.
Can you tell me what her hotel # is, and Ill call her tonight.
I hate pollen, it has flared up every d*&& allergy I have. My face looks like someone socked me, my throat feels like raw meat, due to coughing!! And my voice, what a joke, I sound more like a frog. Ive not run any fever, but still dont wanna risk making her sick. Why cant I just
the dang pollen away.
Ill be thinking of you while you have a housefull, that was me last week, with 5 teenage boys in our one room house!!! Talk abou stacked like sardines!!
Take care of you and keep your head up. If you could send me her #, I appreciate it.
Frog voice

Rhonda, aka froggie
So very sorry I haven't gotten back to you. I have to try and stay off the computer since having my foot down makes it swell.
I don't know Jodi's last name, so I'm sorry to say, I don't know how to reach her. I'm hoping her husband calls me today to tell me how she's doing. Not very good planning on my part, huh?
This Spring pollen thing really does stink!!! We've been on every allergy medication known to man and I think we may have a handle on it....for now, anyway.
How's the weight coming? I made it to 80# today!!! WooHooo!!! I've been really pushing the protein since my injury and I think that's why I've lost 11# in two weeks.
I'll be off work for another 3-5 weeks, so I'll probably be around more. Even if it's for a short time many times a day.
Take care, hope you're feeling better soon. Hopefully the rain last night washed away some of the yucky stuff!!
Susan aka Ilean
Hey Rhonda,
I am going to Baptist tomorrow for pre-op testing, Dietition appointment and then Dr. appointment. I am going to try to look Jodi Girl up, See if I can't get us a side by side room with a connecting door! LOL Like we are gonna feel like partying! I figure she will go home Saturday and they will keep me pretty busy and this will probably be the only opportunity I get to see her.
If I get to see her (with all this HIPPA crap) I will post tomorrow night when I get back to Conway. It will be late, hubby & I are gonna stop & eat "MY LAST MEAL" ha ha I think it will be soup & salad. I want to make it as easy as I can for Dr. Gibbs Friday morning.
Take care & I will let cha know.
2 days to go