I'm home
Hi guys,
Got home from the ankle surgery, very drugged up, and need to elevate it, so won't take long.
DH Gary is taking good care of me, doc said everything went very well. Cast for 6 weeks, damn boot for 8 weeks, no ballet dancing or shooting hoops for 9 months. Damn, there goes my new career choices!
thanks for your well wishes
Hey Short timer !!
You KNOW how badly I feel that I won't be able to come visit you, don't you? But I sure you also know I will certainly be there in spirit. I was thinking I could just go to Baptist once, see Jodi on her last day, and you on your first, but you'll be pretty out of it and most likely won't be up to visitors that day.
Ok, Percoset is setting in, got to answer other e-mails before I become incoherent. Wow..couldn't spell that before the pill.....better living through chemistry I always say!
Keeping up on your countdown with you
OK Ilean~
Do NOT come to the hospital! Jodi & I will hold the fort down just fine! We both know you want to be there BUT, you do Not need to be out & about!
Just take a pill & chill. Not to be rude but, Jodi & I don't need you at the hospital getting hurt............we would feel bad.
Hey, I did I tell you I love the calorie countdown milk? I mix it with cafe mocha Elite Whey Protein........Its GREAT!
Relax and do what the Doc said and you will recover very soon!
Huggs your way!
7 days to go 

Ilean---I love it!!! Sometimes I even tilt, but that gets pretty scary.
Ok, I'll be good and try and stay away, but what if Gary gets me a wheelchair? They might have one or two at the hospital?
Glad you like the calorie countdown milk. Did you get the regular or chocolate? I heat mine up with about four pumps (1 oz) SF vanilla syrup in the microwave for about 1.45 min. It's a great evening snack, protein, calcium and yummmmmmy.
Oh heavens.........I am so BLONDE! It must be because I touched my roots up today. I did not read that to say I Lean, as in I lean a little.........................I read it to say I Lean as in I am lean! I am so focused on this surgery that is all I can think about! It is either that or I am just plain blonde!
I go tthe regular calorie countdown. I forgot to ask my milkman if he carries it on his truck or if he will order some for me. I will ask next week. ooops....NOT I will be at the hospital all day Thursday. Maybe I will leave him a note.
Finished up at the bridal shop today. Everything is done and paid for except the flowers and cake. I am so proud of my kids for finishing up with wedding details before my surgery. They can pick the cake and flowers out by themselves as I am chewin', sippin', and walkin'. I should have lost a pound or two by their 07/07/07 wedding.
almost 6 days to go 

And I just knew you were gonna be the next Michael Jordan!!! Well Dang!!!! And I knew that in your off season, you were gonna be a ballet dancer at all the dance halls in Little Rock. What a disappointment, lol. So glad to hear you are doing great, take care of you and know that we are all praying for your speedy recovery!!! Keep us posted as you can.
Thanks so much Rhonda. I don't think Mike or any of the sports folks need to worry about me taking their jobs. I mean really, I finally get into a water aerobics class and look what happens. Honestly, I was the youngest in the class by 25 years and lightest by about 50# and STILL hurt myself.
Well, it's fixed now and they won't know me when I go back in a few months.
How are you doing, know you've been busy around the house. That will keep you out of mischief won't it? Don't forget your water when you're outside in the humidity!!!
Love ya
well well well.....if it isnt hop along....my goodness you look slimmer.......must be the luck of the ankle surgery......kind of like the luck of my new boobs.....today is the big day..JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE tickets for Memphis go on sale....my 17 year old wants to go badly...will the new boobs bring me luck and I get tickets?....well I thought about rubbing them like you do a magic lamp...but I dont think I would get away with that at work.
soooooo anyhow....I went and bought a bra...and a 36C is to small.......I about fell out in the bathroom......the doc said a large C small D.......UMMMMMMMM hello he must have opted for the D..............I love this man......being 5 ft tall and about 150...my perky D's look great.............
ok enough about me....I hope you are feeling well and being taken care of. I am sure you are.....have a good day