Hi everyone
It's so nice to see I've been missed! I've missed all of you too, but it's been for a reason other than being busy and teen aged nieces visiting. Both are true enough, but I wanted to take a break and do some thinking about this forum and my involvement.
A few weeks ago someone posted a reply to something I had posted that was very mean and ugly to me. I was deeply hurt and embarrassed by this person, and decided for my own good it was best for me to take a break.
The subject matter was Lap Band surgery, and to those of you who are banders, or considering banding, I apologize for anything I said or did that offended you. I've only meant to be helpful and supportive, and in my desire to make sure everyone was making an informed decision, I apparently crossed an invisible line.
So, since I have been made painfully aware that I don't know squat about banding, I've decided to back away from those seeking that type of surgery. This person was right, I have no business discussing something I don't know enough about, and as much as it pains me to do this, it's most likely for the best.
I don't have anything thing but good wishes for everyone here, but if I'm to continue my involvement on this site I will concentrate on supporting the folks who are having or have had RNY only. I'll still be there for those people, and continue to visit those who'd like me to come see them in the hospital, but please understand why I'm doing this.
Hugs and happy Spring to All,
Wow, 12 days. You hangin' in there? Hope you're staying busy to keep the nerves away!
I just got home from moving my equipment and supplies from the salon in preparation for moving to my new location. I let out a "whooooop" of joy when I locked that door behind me. But before I could bring it home I had to clean the garage out to make room for everything. Amazing how much "stuff" one person needs to do hair and nails.
Talk again soon,
Take care
I am sorry to hear about what happened to you. People dont even realize when someone is just trying to help out. You have NEVER been anything but encouraging to the people you address. You know that there are hateful people everywhere, even here. If they knew anything at all about you they would have kept their mouth shut. You have to let that kind of stuff roll off because some people are unhappy and therefore want to make everyone else unhappy.
GLad to have you back!!
Hi Terry!
Yeah, it's like the bumper sticker: "mean people suck". But at my age you'd think I would have learned to let it roll, but not this one. Anyway, such is life.
How's baseball doing? Been super busy with lots of games? Do you work during Spring break and have a chance to be home with the kidlets?
Thanks for the encouraging words, they are very appreciated.
Hi Susan!
You and I have spoken a few times since I started on the board in January. I'm preop band waiting on insurance and I have so appreciated how sweet and encouraging that you are. I have never been offended by anything that you have said and have been so touched by your faithfulness to support and even visit those in the hospital. That truly is such a ministry of a kind and caring heart.
I don't know what happened with the misunderstanding but I do know that my impression of you is nothing but positive. Sometimes when we email things come across differently than we intend. Whatever our path to wls, we all have so many of the same issues to deal with and I'm sure can find common ground and support there.
Thank you for your honesty and transparency. I appreciate you and hope to here from you again. Hopefully I'll hear from my insurance very soon. If you would like, I'll keep you posted.
Have a happy happy day!!!! HUGS!!!! Kelly

Hi Kelly,
How nice of you to say those things. I'm sure there are MORE than enough for us to talk about without me appearing to give advice on something I'm not personally sure of. Some day I'll tell you all about it, it's pretty nasty, and frankly, water under the "big dam bridge"
Those dang insurance companies can really do a number on us, can't they? We do everything they tell us to do, then they tell us to do it all over again. Waiting is the hardest part of this. First you wait for the ins co, then you wait for your date, then you wait for that date to get here.....Whew, it's enough to make a person NUTS!!!! It's no wonder we're not in the psych ward instead of the bariatric ward.
Please be sure to let us all know (like you wouldn't....duh) when you hear anything.