Less than 48 hours to go...
My surgery is tomorrow too. I am also very nervous, but I think that is natural. I had my gall bladder removed several years ago, so I know what to expect, but that doesn't make it much easier. I have just been trying to keep my mind occupied...working, listening to music, talking to my friends (who are very supportive). But I'm still nervous/anxious!!!!
Man, I am as nervous as you guys and I have 2 weeks... I don't know what time my surgery is, or what hospital or if I have a pre op diet... and its making me insane... I feel like everything is out of my control.. My mom is flying out and she gets here the night before at 10pm... nothing like a midnight run to the airport before my big day.. then I go do something totally unrelated and it goes away..
As for the anethesia.. I have a very close family friend that has issues with going under... Make sure your anethesiologist is aware of your concerns. If you alert them to your worries, they might be more likely to be watching for anything odd.. He has "bottomed out" several times and even once had to abort the whole surgery he was having (not one you wanna abort)... and now he's just fine!!!
Today I tried attempt #3 to get SOMEONE to take my blood... I didn't have a page with a signature so they are calling Wellborn's office. I did think to try a hospital and he's in the Baptist system so hopefully with one phone call to the office...... its a go!!! Its so hard..... since by my calculations I have not been to a real DR in... (hides) 10 years... Yeah, I went to the GYN but I have't had any major issues since I had my tonsils out or I had such crap insurance I couldn't afford to pay the copays and deductables...
hang in there... lemme know if there's anthing I can do...
ps can I ask for Dr frost too...