Post Lap Band pain question
I had my surgery on Thursday and on Sunday I drove myself home from my mothers house which is approximately a little over an hour from my house.
I was out and about on Monday taking care of my two children and running errands. My recovery time was not long at all. I am a stay-at-home mom which I consider to a job, so I would say that I returned to work in 4 days. When Dr. Wellborn suggests that you take Milk of Magnesia for 3 doses after the surgery, DO IT. It will help so much with the gas and the movement of bodily functions.
I had surgery at the Little Rock Surgery center so, I went home hours after the operation and did great. I also had just had a baby by c-section 10 weeks earlier so. . . .it could be that my body was remembering that very vividly but, none the less I really didn't think the surgery was bad at all. I never took a pain pill once I got home.
If you have any specific questions please feel free to private mail me at [email protected]. Good luck with your surgery. I was banded on 1/4/07 and have lost about 35 lbs. I am very happy with my decision and can't wait for a new wardrobe for the new me. People are starting to notice and there isn't a better feeling than that. Finally, on the road to a thinner self.
I don't know... its my mantra these days.. I just don't know.....
I don't see Wellborn One on One until the 28th... and I have 1001 questions... hope he's ready.
I have yet to hear much from the office. I emailed and called (not obsessively). I know they are busy but its driving me bananas not knowing when, where... how... If I have the 2 week pre diet... Like I posted before, I don't wait well... I think I did find a lab for my labs.. If I take in hte order from wellborn, I think I can go to the Baptist here and get them done... That's tomorrow's #1 priority..
On the plus, I have lost almost 10 lbs in some bizzare mind twist... I find I can't tollerate fatty and/or eally sugary foods.. I was up all night with the worst heartburn I have ever had. And I'm a Peeps junkie and I haven't had any this Easter season. My surgery is the Thursday before Easter... So I am having a pre Easter lil dinner... Nothing too bad.
so basically I'm a basket of nerves and excitement and worry and hope and just plain wanting to get this show on the road!!
Shucks you two..............I am so beside myself I have taken off work today and probably will not go in tomorrow. I am trying to get all my list done and I keep adding more to it! I have my suitcase almost packed. I forgot about the Easter candy too (Cadbury Eggs - Yum). I take Nexium twice a day and I too have had heartburn twice in the last 3 days. I think it must be nerves. Hey Susan, are you going to Baptsit? I can't remember. That's another thing, I have been real forgetful lately!
I am just so excited it is hard to think about anything else. My Doc does not require shakes or liquid diet before surgery BUT I have been having 1 shake a day for a week or so now to try to find a flavor I like and get use to them. I don't paticularly like them but I can do shakes before I can do applesauce, cream of wheat, gatorade and stuff like that. Just want to be able to get my protien in everyday after surgery. I am not going to have a "Last Meal Blowout" Everyone thinks I am crazy but I have ate what I wanted all my life and I am ready to change. It is just not a big deal to me ( but them cadbury eggs) he he.
Jodi, you are 1st with the surgery on the 4th, then Susan on the 5th and me last on the 6th. (Correct me if I am wrong).
Better quit babbling. I am anxious just like the 2 of you are. Counting the days!
17 days and countin'
You guys will probably lose the heart burn after surgery. A lot of that heart burn comes from over eating or eating the wrong kinds of food. Once you have surgery, there will be no overeating. I don't like the shakes either. I did, however, drink them in the beginning but now, I get my protein from my food. Previous to surgery, I hated cream of wheat, but as soon as my surgeon allowed me to have it, I tried it and have made it my breakfast food ever since. It still isn't the most tasty food, but it is easiest to eat, and eat enough to get nutrition out of, and I can add things to it to add vitamins and protein. Plus, when I was only a few weeks post op, every thing made me so sick and cream of wheat, real liquidity, stayed down. I have not had a desire for any of the candies, all it took was one time of me getting sick on sugars, and no more. You guys' day will get here real soon and you will be so surprised at how quickly the weight comes off and how great you will feel.