Is it possible?????
Is it possible to lose 38 lbs. 15 days post-op? That's what my scales say. Lost 18 lbs the first week and a half. I am not gripinng but it almmost seems impossible if you know what I mean. I am so scared i am gonna lose my hair cause I am not getting enough protein like I should. I emailed Jo Beth my dieticiann about protein pills now waiting for an answer on that. Well good luck to everyone with a surgery date.

Hey Susan,
Nice to hear from you. I am doing well. I went to see Dr.. Gibbs today and the scales said 295 lbs. I started at 314 lbs... He said I am doing good my incisions look good.. I was low on Vit D before surgery so he gave me a script for Vit D 3 times a week for 6 weeks. So I am 19 lbs down in 16 days post-op,, which isn't too bad. My mom talked me into staying home another week so I don't go back to work till Sat. But otherwise I am doing good.. That one incision by my stomach still bothers me every once in awhile but other than that it's great and gettig depressed every once in a while too. So how much have you lost? How many months post-op are you?
Hi Tina, I know it's not 38 (or whatever the amount was), but you have to admit that 19lbs in 16 days is pretty incredible! I'm so glad your mom talked you into staying home another week, you really needed to.
A week from today will be my 6th month anniversary, and I've lost 66lbs. I've been in a stall for two weeks, pretty much stinks, but what can you do but keep on keeping on?
Why are you depressed?
Let me know if there's anything I can do
Take care,
Really there is nothing anyone can do for me, it's just part of it I guess. You never know how big a part food pays in your life. Like when you family brings in take out and you want it so bad but you can't have it or even if it's something my grandma cooks it looks so good but I can't have it. And sometimes I wish I hadn't done it and then theres other days I am so glad I had it with all I have saiddone, do you know what I mean with all that I have said? I am sure these are all normal feelings but I can't wait till they go away. And I want a Dr.Pepper so bad I can taste it but I try not to think about it too much and it don't bother me as bad.Susan I am glad you care sometimes you just need someone to talk to and thank you for listening.

Congrats on your surgery and weight loss. I had my surgery with mark gibbs on December 20, 2006 and I have lost 66 pounds. My family was here for christmas day and they always do the big family dinner, I actually cried because it all smelt to good, but I got past it and I am doing alot better. It hard also when you have 4 guys in the household a 37yr old, an 18 yr old, a 17 year old and a 7year old that can eat everything and not gain an ounce. Lately I have been craving a mountain dew so bad that it drvies me crazy. I just hope that it passes soon. Good luck to you.
So how much did you weight before surgery? 66 lbs is really good for 3 months post-op. I hope I can do that. I was 314 before surgery and I have lost 20 lbs in 2 weeks. I started walking today which sucks because I am not used to it but eventually i will, just like with eating I will get used to it.
i weighed 350 pounds the day of surgery and as of this morning i weigh 281 pounds. i still want to lose at least another hundred pounds. i hope it happens only time will tell, but as of now i feel so much better. i started walking with a group of ladies at the high school track monday and thursday nights, i hope it helps. good luck to you.