Where is everybody?
Did you eat the candy bar yet? If you haven't DON'T! Back away from the candy bar.....maybe it's gone bad from just sitting in the drawer? Since no form of candy ever lasted more than a nano second in my home, purse, car or work, how do you know if it's not spoiled..LOL?
Hope you have a date soon, the waiting can be murder. Looking forward to you getting to LR
Is it alright if I brag about where I've been? I don't post on here very often and I really need to get more involved.
Yesterday and this morning I was playing catch up in school. (I attend Arkansas Tech fulltime) I was fortunate enough to win a scholarship from the Arkansas Recreation and Park Association. So I attended the annual ARPA Conference in Jonesboro last week, attended several educational sessions, was awarded my scholarship at the Awards Banquet on Thursday evening, attended more sessions Friday morning, spent the weekend with my husband (who I hadn't seen in about 3 weeks because he lives at home) and arrived back in Russellville Sunday afternoon. THEN I completed four late assignments and took one makeup test Monday, one make up test this morning, and took another test that I knew absolutely nothing about because I didnt' know it was today.(I'm screwed on that one
) Immediately after completing the second make up test, I went to my oral surgery appointment at 10:30 am and had 2 molars extracted under general anesthesia (sp). The rest of the day has been spent trying to watch TV while crosseyed. LOL WHEW!! I think I'm all caught up now except on my history lectures and readings.
Is it hot in here or is it just the drugs? I hope I didn't bore you all to death but that's what I've been doin'.