Fun today and next get together
Hey All,
Jeannie (and husband Kenny), Terri29 and I met today in Russellville. We had a great time, doing the usual, giggling and carrying on to the point of expecting to get the boot out of there. Jeannie looks adorable with her "5 o'clock shadow" on her little noggin. She really does have a beautifully shaped head, and can really carry off the Britney Spears look. Terri is a lovely lady. She and I talked and talked up and back in the car about husbands, kids, work and, of course WLS. She's a all have to meet her.
Well, the folks at Western Sizzlin' are terrific, no complaints that we had wayyyyyyyyy too much fun, and sat one of the "prime" tables for well over an hour. As great as it was, we just can't do it to them again, so we're thinking ahead for our next gala event.
We thought we'd plan way in advance for our next gathering. How does either the last Saturday of April or the first Saturday in May sound? We're thinking some place in Conway.....little closer to the middle of the state.
Lots of time to plan, but let's start marking those calendars now, just to make time for some fun!
Have a good week
Woooo Hoooooo!!!!! Sign me up!!! I cant wait, DH even said he might come too, just to watch all of us have fun. Glad all had a good time, I survived my weekend with all the girls, we had a blast. Just keep me posted on everything, and I'll be sure and mark my calendar.
Hugs to all,
P.S. Three weeks out today, 31 pounds gone forever!!!!!!
Rhonda, I'm so proud of you....31# and surviving the weekend with the girls.
When are you coming up for your post op? If I can work it out with my schedule, maybe we could meet for a glass of something?
We kind of tossed around the idea of finding a nice park somewhere, whether permitting of course, so the families could come and we'd all picnic. Jeannie's husband is a very nice guy, and I'm sure he'd appreciate another man in the group.
Just some preliminary thoughts though.
Planning on going to see Johnnie tomorrow or maybe before work on Wednesday. She should be in her room by now, it's 1:00 already.
Keep up the good work,
I just read this and wondered if you had considered any on the state parks. Actually, I am a state park employee and will be working at Petit Jean State Park for 9 months beginning March 17. We've got 52 state parks and they are scattered all over the state.
Just throwing the idea out there.
Job security is a concern of mine. LOL And the more people that visit our parks the more job security I have.
Just Google