Pouring here
When it rains it pours, on my head it seems. Someone PLEASE tell me not to worry!! I am worring myself to the point of panic! I have been on disability for 3 years. I started the process here in Arkansas. I was denied so I tried to go back to work and was unsuccessful in that because I was disabled! So I reapplied and moved to Nevada during the waiting period. I was ultimately approved in Nevada and it was found that I should have been approved from the first date I filed, so they did the retroactive thing and I have been on it since. However, I moved back here to Arkansas 2 years ago, and now I get a letter saying that my disability is being reviewed and they don't have enough information to determine if I am still disabled, so they are sending me to 2 of their doctors. I am sooo scared! Please pray that this will all work out for me. I don't go to their docs until March 12 and then again on March 15. That should give me a full 2 weeks of worry and anxiety. I am just sooo scared. I don't know what I would do right now if they decided to stop my benefits. I could not make it without going to work, and I can't work right now! Not to mention I will lose my Medicare and that means no WLS!
( Remember me in your prayers please. Thanks

Thx for replying to my post. My understanding is that they send you to their docs usually when they first are trying to determine if you are eligible. I did that when i was going through the process. Now they are reviewing it and saying that they don't have enough to prove my disability should continue without sending me to see 2 of doctors they chose. Anyway, remember me in your prayers and thanks again
Hi Jodi
Thank you for replying. These things can be quite stressful. From the sound of what you posted and from what people are telling me, this is just another loop u have to jump through when receiving any kind of government funds. I hope and pray that I am worring for nothing. I truly am trying to rely on my faith and find strength in it, but I am overwhelmed at times with anxiety. Thank you for keeping me in your ((good)) thoughts and your many prayers. Trying to shake off the rain and learn to use the umbrella that I have held all along. -Joyce
Don't worry, if they, and they shouldn't, but if they take your disability away, apply for the state disability, SSI and stay on it until you win back your SSD. One of the advantages of SSI is that medicaid, which will be your insurance, isn't as picky as medicaid. I hope you get things straightened out, this process is stressful enough given no financial complications. I'll be thinking of you.
Thank you Jeannie for the encouraging words. I know that I have appeal options, but I was not aware of the SSI option. Is that something they would just give me right away? I do know that without being disabled, blind or 65 I can't get medicaid. I can't get Medicaid right now because I draw the SSD instead of the SSI and I am over the limit. I agree that the whole process is stressful enough without all the added crap that pops up along the way! Trying to keep my head up and hope for the best! Hoping that this time that I am being that worrywart that everyone accuses me of being and I find that I had nothing to worry about all along. Thanks for thinking of me! -Joyce