Group Hug?
Hiya Ya'll
I am really feeling under the weather, I am getting depressed and overwhelmed with anxiety thinking about beginning the steps to have WLS. I am not happy with my PCP. She really isn't informed about a lot of my issues. I find myself explaining much more than I feel like I should have to do a person I am paying to be my physician!! Needless to say, I have used her as my PCP for the past 2 years, just going to her when ness. for med refills and small things like ear infections, leg pain, etc, but now I am scared that she is so clueless that I will have NO support from her at all. I asked her about WLS options my last visit 2 weeks ago. She said yes she thought it was a good idea, but she didnt know what to do to help me get started. Her nurse gave me the name of 3 Bariatric Surgeons, all 3 she said were out of state and none of the 3 accepted Medicare. They basically said, yeah u are morbidly obese and yeah u need help , its out there, have fun finding it and good luck! So i am scared that without a solid support from my primary care that I will have no chance of getting WLS. I know in reality the solution is to just find another PCP, but I also know finding another one and developing a good relationship with one may take time and that will prolong the already seems like forever process. I guess i really am more depressed than I realized. I have been trying not to over eat, and cut out sugar. Doing all the things I need to do to get ready to have WLS and make the changes I need to have a healthier life, and I have been doing well, up until 2 days ago. I have fallen off course and landed in a slump. I have been snapping at hubby and he finally snapped back last night, and of course that hurt my feelings wayyyy worse than he can imagine. He understands to a point. Then he is clueless. I just need prayers and that group hug wouldnt hurt either. Sorry to be a bring down to everyones mood, I am just feeling really crappy and had to get it out. Thanks for listening and letting me.
Joyce, don't worry. If you go with one of the little rock doctors, and I think you will find that Baptist takes medicare so one of those doctors will work, they will provide you with a list of things that needs to be done. Plus, if you are medicare, I think you have to do some kind of diet attempt or have doctor documentation, not sure but find out. Then follow the instructions from the packet, send it in and that is it. Your doctor will have to document your obesity, but you call them and tell them what you need and offer to pick it up and send it in or give them fax numbers to fax it to your surgeon. Remember to check up on your pcp. No matter how great your pcp is, the leg work and the hoop jumping has to come from you. You will make appointments, call and remind doctors, and do all the things that you need to do to get your surgery date, we all have done it and we all are happy we did. Your first step, contact one of the little rock docs and go to the seminar, that is your first step. Good luck.
i'm sitting here crying with you. this is all so hard. you don't get any help from the doctors. they will expect you to do all the leg work and jump thru all the hoops and then you get to write them a BIG FAT CHECK. hmmmmm, i may be venting some of my anger with the whole process too. but i keep persueing the process because it will help me. and ultimately i have to do all the work myself.
i went to a wonderful seminar last week, but i almost left before it started. in the literature handed out before the seminar it said that anyone having my insurance has to pay in full upfront. my insurance has changed all it's rules this year and covers the surgery. but my insurance never pays what the doctor bills. so i felt like they wanted me to pay up front then they'll give my back what my insurance pays. that's crap. they are preferred providers and that is why, they've aggreed to the negotiatated price. like i said this is how i felt, doesn't mean it's true. they are waiitng to see how my insurance pays other doctors they are affliliated with.
enough about me whining.
be careful. there are good can email me if you want to know what i really think. hee hee.
seriously, just keep talking, even if it's on this board. the ladies here have wonderful advice and they all have such good experience to share.
oh, my best friend used dr. edwards in springfield mo. SHE LOVES HIM. they sent me a huge packet of information. more than any other doctor i've contacted, i just don't want to commit to go up that far. but you are closer, i'm in hot springs. i've talked to his nurse. she is a doll. she'd call you back and give you info if you call their office. he name is mary trampler, st. john's clinic, 417-820-2800.