Hi everyone, not much activity going on here lately. Well, I went to the grocery store and got all the stuff Dr. Gibbs office listed in the sample list they sent to me in the mail. I was thinking when i was buying all this man life is gonna suck for awhile!! LOL!!
Then I was looking at all the stuff my husband was getting and thinking man I hope you don't eat like this in front of me but then again it may not even bother me after awhile. I am getting more and more excited. Hey Denise if you read this the paperwork I got from Dr. Gibbs office said I could request a private room at Baptist so I am gonna take a swing at it, so hopefully my husband can stay with me the whole time. But anyway just wanted to say hello to all and stay warm.
Tina Thompson
If you're using insurance make sure they will pay for a private room, mine didn't and that is why I had semi-private. Otherwise I would have requested a private room too! A little advice (ok, more advice), don't eat with your family, husband, whoever is with you when you get home for at least a couple of days. I had the worst time with "head hunger" after I got home, it was terrible...I felt like I was starving to death because my family was eating "real" food and I was drinking mine! Once I started on soft foods, at day 6, that all went away and I no longer feel hungry at all. I only eat because the clock says its time. It amazes me how I just don't feel hungry at all. It really is a wild ride . So anyway, if you feel like it might bother you, just take your meals in another room or eat at a different time for a little while. I'm sure you're husband will understand, mine did. It doesn't bother me at all now. Good luck, I know you're getting excited! The first few days are the worst, in my opinion, then it can only get better. Keep in touch!
Take care,
Hey Tina... if you're anything like me after my surgery, I wasn't hungry and didn't want food at all. It took several months for my appetite to return. Even now, some days I have to make myself eat. Most days I feel more normal, but it does take some time for that to happen. Of course in the meantime, you have the pleasure of weight melting from your body!!
Best of luck on your journey!!!
the diet Dr. Gibbs gives you moves along a lot faster than other surgeons' diets. I didn't have any issues with what my family ate until I had progressed to the top level (meats, raw veggies, etc). I had a semi-private room at Baptist, but the nurse I had when I got there, Hal, didn't put any other patient in my room that day, so my mom stayed in the bed next to me, and I got lucky, because I had the room to myself all 4 days I was there. Good luck!