Hey guys, just wondering if anyone has heard from Geri?? Her surgery was the 5th of Jan, and she posted a few days ago about being in bandster hell, and I havent seen or heard from her since. Just wondering.
Geri, if you are reading this, I am thinking of you and praying that things are much better for you.
Sorry. I wound up with a nasty cold so I have been down and out for a few days...I had my first fill today. It went well..DR W did it and took about a 1/2 hour for it and explained everything and was very precise.. I had to sip and sip and count and sip and he would put it in and take it out, and sip and sip..humm that sounds
anyway I have the VG band, and he finally put in 4.6cc. I have no idea if I was actually feeling what he wanted me to feel..I was taking pretty small sips. But, I know that when I take a quick deep breath, I get a slight pain under my left rib towards the middle of the, I am thinking I am feeling the band now..I am on liquids for 2 days, so, I will let you know WED how things are... geri